Fabrizio Maturo

Full Professor in Statistics

PhD in Economics & Statistics

Piazza Mattei, 10, 00186 Rome, Italy



RANKED "A" in Statistics by ANVUR: 29







My name is Fabrizio Maturo and I graduated with honours in Economics and Business from the G. D’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara. I have a PhD in Economics & Statistics with a dissertation on "Fuzzy Regression Models, Recent Advancements, and Alternative Operations" presented in April 2014. In the years after the doctorate, I have been a research fellow and then a Researcher in Statistics at the Department of Management and Business Administration at the University of Chieti-Pescara. 

University G. D'Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara

University G. D'Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara 2011-2014 - Doctorate in Economics and Statistics

Universidad de Almeria, Spain 2016

From 2016 to 2019 I have worked every year for 2-3 months as a visiting researcher at the University of Almeria in Spain to collaborate with Prof. Salvador Cruz Rambaud with whom I started a beautiful and prolific collaboration that still lasts today.

Universidad de Almeria, Spain

NUI Galway, Ireland 2019

In January 2019, I became a Researcher in Biostatistics at the National University of Ireland in Galway, where I worked at the Clinical Research Facility (CRF) Galway and my project dealt with the study and implementation of probabilistic graphical models describing causal relationships using complex epidemiological datasets. 

In May 2019, I got the Qualification to function as an Associate Professor in Statistics (ASN - National Scientific Qualification, in area 13/D1 - Statistics) from the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System (ANVUR).

University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli - Caserta 2020 - International Bachelor's Degree in Data Analytics

From July 2019 to April 2022, I was a Lecturer and Researcher in Statistics at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" in Caserta, Italy. From May 2022 to November 2022, I was a Senior Lecturer and Researcher in Statistics. 

Caserta 2022 - 51st Conference of the Italian Statistical Society

From November 2022 to May 2023, I was an Associate Professor in Statistics at the Faculty of Economics of the Universitas Mercatorum in Rome. 

Starting from 2023-2024 I am a member of the doctoral board in BIG DATA AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and SUSTAINABILITY AND THE ESG AGENDA activated by Universitas Mercatorum. In these doctorates, I teach different courses such as:

The topics I teach the most in these doctorates concern supervised classification, clustering, functional data analysis and, in general, multivariate statistics.

Piazza Mattei, Universitas Mercatorum, Rome 2022

Universitas Mercatorum, Rome 2023

From June 2023 onwards, I have the national scientific qualification (ASN) to function as a Full Professor in Statistics, and I am the President of the bachelor’s degree in Statistics & Big Data at the Faculty of Economics of the University Mercatorum in Rome, Italy.

 From August 2023 onwards, I am a full professor in Statistics and the Head of the Faculty of Technological and Innovation Science at the Universitas Mercatorum in Rome, Italy.

Annual PhD Symposium 2024

Inauguration of the 2023-2024 academic year of the Mercatorum University, Palazzo Venezia, Rome, Italy

Inauguration of the 2024-2025 academic year of the Mercatorum University, Palazzo Colonna, Rome, Italy

I am the author of more than 100 publications in international journals and books. 

My main contributions are in functional data analysis, biostatistics, supervised learning, biodiversity assessment methods, item response theory, clustering, data streaming, fuzzy set theory, R programming, and econometric models for business and finance.  

I have presented the results of my research to more than 50 international conferences in many countries, such as Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Ireland, the Czech Republic, the United Arab Emirates, Japan, Portugal, Canada, Romania, Japan, Brazil, Costa Rica, etc.

The bubble position is based on dominant ASJC categories. From: SciVal

Collaborative network

I have received the Best Paper Award at the international conference IBIMA 2018 in Milan. 

The paper titled "Analyzing Research Impact via Functional Data Analysis: A Powerful Tool for Scholars, Insiders, and Research Organizations" (by Fabrizio Maturo and Sarka Hoskova-Mayerova), was appointed as the best one among the 950 received by the International Business Information Management Association for this conference (IBIMA 2018 in Milan). 

In 2018 and 2019, I got the qualification to function as an Associate Professor of Statistics, first in Romania and then in Italy.

I am the reviewer of many international journals, e.g., Computational Statistics, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Ecological Indicators, Ecological Modelling, Environmetrics, Social Indicators Research, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, Plos One, Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, and Heliyon.

In 2018, I was awarded by the management committee of the COST Action IC1408 for the Training School CRoNoS Summer Course on Functional Data Analysis (within the Conference COMPSTAT 2018, Iasi (Romania).

The grant was founded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Program of the European Union.

My teaching experience is in Statistics and Computer Science (both at the undergraduate and graduate levels).  Some of my present/past courses are:

-Basic Statistics at the Statistics and Big Data Bachelors' Degree, Universitas Mercatorum, Rome

-Statistics at the Business Management Bachelors' Degree, Universitas Mercatorum, Rome

-Biostatistics at the international Master Degree in Data Science (English Language)

-Statistical Learning at the international Bachelor's Degree in Data Analytics (English Language) 

-Experimental Research Designs at the international Bachelor's Degree in Data Analytics (English Language) 

-Bioinformatics at the international Bachelor's Degree in Data Analytics (English Language) - Only in 2019-2020

-Mathematical Methods for Design at the Bachelor's Degree in Design and Communication

I have taught many doctoral courses on topics of multivariate statistics and statistical learning.

I am passionate about computational statistics and computer science. I am an R programmer, creator and maintainer of the R packages BioFTF and AnnuityRIR. 



I am the chief and managing editor of Ratio Mathematica and Science & Philosophy, and I am the creator and maintainer of the website of these journals.  I am the editor of five books published by Springer and I work as an associate editor, guest editor, and editorial board member of many journals.


Associate Editor

Book Editor in Series

Research Projects

I participate in many national and international research groups, and I maintain several international relations with professors and researchers belonging to institutions where, in many cases, I have also been a vising researcher. My most important collaborations are with:

-The Luigi Vanvitelli University of Caserta, Italy;

-The National University of Ireland in Galway, Ireland;

-The Italian National Institute of Statistics;

-The University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic;

-The University of Almeria, Spain;

-The University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy;

-The University Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, Romania;

-The University of Seville, Spain;

-The Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland;

-The LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Italy.

Skills Keywords

Statistics; Data Analysis; Data Science; New methodologies' development; Applied Statistics; Clustering; Classification; Regression; Previsions; Computer Science; Presentations at conferences; Publications; Teaching; FDA; IRT; Reports; Presentations in Latex; Biostatistics; Case/Control Studies; Functional data analysis; Multivariate Statistics; Anova; Thesis Supervisor; Review; Managing Journals; Conference Organizations; Research Projects; Papers; R programming; R packages development; SPSS; MedCalc; Excel; Moodle, Latex, PowerPoint; Word; Photoshop, Hardware.

Passions and Sport

Football, 5-a-side Football, Swimming, Gym, Running, Tennis, Salsa, Chess, Poker, Photography, Photo Editing, Video Editing, High Tech, Travel, Animals, Geography.



