
Lock-in effects in Online Labor Markets, with Lars Hornuf and Eliza Stenzhorn
[Journal of Economics & Management Strategy]

Online platforms that implement reputation mechanisms typically prevent the transfer of ratings to other platforms, leading to lock‐in effects and high switching costs for users. Platforms are able to capitalize on this arrangement, for example, by charging their users higher fees. In this paper, we theoretically and experimentally investigate the effects of platform pricing on workers' switching behavior in online labor markets and analyze whether a policy regime with reputation portability could mitigate lock-in effects and reduce the likelihood of worker capitalization by the platform. We examine switching motives in depth, differentiating between monetary motives and fairness preferences. We provide theoretical evidence for the existence of switching costs if reputation mechanisms are platform‐specific. Our model predicts that reputation portability lowers switching costs, eliminating the possibility for platforms to capitalize on lock‐in effects. We test our predictions using an online lab‐in‐the‐field experiment. The results are in line with our theoretical model and show that platforms can capitalize on lock‐in effects more effectively in a policy regime without reputation portability. We also find that reputation portability has a positive impact on worker mobility and the wages of highly rated workers. The data further show that the switching of workers is primarily driven by monetary motives, but perceiving the platform fee as unfair also plays a significant role for workers.

Working Papers

Competition for Prominence, with Paul Belleflamme and Leonardo Madio
[Working Paper - new version coming soon!]

This paper examines the role of online intermediaries in influencing consumers' purchasing decisions by giving preferential treatment to certain retailers. We investigate the incentives of intermediaries to employ a ``competition for prominence scheme'', analyzing the impact on retailer strategies and consumer surplus. We show that, for a given fee, three alternative equilibria can emerge, two of which result in one retailer making no sale. We also find that intermediaries have a strategic interest in inducing intense competition between retailers by selecting one excluding equilibrium where double marginalization issues are mitigated and overall demand is maximized. We show that in equilibrium, the interests of the intermediary and the consumers are fully aligned. Finally, this scheme is always more profitable for the intermediary than auction-based alternatives as it replicates multiproduct monopolistic outcomes.

Work in Progress

Manipulating Perceived Product Differentiation, with Paul Belleflamme
Working Paper coming soon!

This paper investigates the intermediary's ability to manipulate consumers' perception of product differentiation between two firms. The intermediary has the ability to decrease transportation costs for the favored firm while increasing them for its competitor. Our findings indicate that an increase in relative differentiation is advantageous for both total industry profits and consumers, albeit at the expense of the disadvantaged firm. However, the degree to which consumers benefit from this relative differentiation depends on the intermediary's chosen monetization strategy: in some instances, the intermediary may capture all the benefits, reducing consumers' surplus.

Privacy as a competition tool