
Autocompletion and syntax highlighting features for the MPM-PUCRio program


The creation of MPM models in the MPM-PUCRio program requires an input text file, containing keywords that define completely the numerical model. Each keyword has specific format for entering the data.

MPM-Blime is a set of two files that when using the Sublime-Text text editor, allow:

  • Automatic completion for keywords and for its correct format,

  • A special highlight for files with the .mpm extension.

Autocomplete suggests the most likely keywords. When the keyword is chosen, the format for entering data appears to guide the user. The highlight identifies the keywords and comments.

Main features


  • keyword auto-completion system

  • integration with Sublime-Text editor

  • quick creation of MPM models

  • typical values and format of parameters associated with the keyword

  • minimizes typing errors


  • keywords

  • comments


MPM-Blime software

General Installation

To install MPM-Blime, copy the files mpm.sublime-completions and mpm.sublime-syntax into the Sublime-Text's configuration directory.

Installation in Linux

cp mpm.sublime-completions ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/

cp mpm.sublime-syntax ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/