
Peer-reviewed publications and conditionally accepted papers

21. Galeotti, F., Hopfensitz, and A., Mantilla “Climate Change Education from the Perspective of Social Norms”, Ecological Economics, forthcoming.

20. Dimant, E., F. Galeotti, and M.C. Villeval Motivated information acquisition and social norm formation, European Economic Review, forthcoming.

19. Casoria, F., F. Galeotti, and M.C. Villeval “Trust and social preferences in times of acute health crisis”, Annals of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.

18. Brouwer, T., F. Galeotti, and M.C. Villeval (2023) “Teaching Norms: Direct Evidence of Parental Transmission”, The Economic Journal, 133(650), 872-887.

17. Benisant, J., F. Galeotti, and M.C. Villeval (2022) “Competition, Information, and the Erosion of Morals”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organizations, 204, 148-163.

16. Galeotti, F., M. Motero, and A. Poulsen (2022) “The Attraction and Compromise Effects in Bargaining: Experimental Evidence”, Management Science, 68 (4), 2987-3007.

15. Casoria, F., F. Galeotti, and M.C. Villeval (2021) “Perceived social norm and behavior quickly adjusted to legal changes during the COVID-19 pandemic", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 190, 54-65.

14. Galeotti F., V. Maggian, and M-C. Villeval (2021) “Fraud Deterrence Institutions Reduce Intrinsic Honesty”, The Economic Journal, 131 (638), 2508-2528.

13. Galeotti, F., C. Saucet, and M.C. Villeval (2020) “Unethical amnesia responds more to instrumental than to hedonic motives”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (41).

12. Dai, Z., F. Galeotti, and MC. Villeval “Fare-Dodging in the Lab and the Moral Cost of Dishonesty”, in A.Bucciol, N.Montinari [eds.], Dishonesty in Behavioral Economics, Elsevier, 2019.

11. Galeotti F., M. Motero, M., and A. Poulsen (2019) “Efficiency versus Equality in Bargaining”, Journal of the European Economic Association, 17 (6), 1941-1970.

10. Galeotti F., and D.J. Zizzo (2018), “Identifying voter preferences: The trade-off between honesty and competence”, European Economic Review, 105, 27-50.

9. Dai, Z., F. Galeotti, and MC. Villeval (2018), “Cheating in the Lab Predicts Fraud in the Field : An Experiment in Public Transportations”, Management Science, 64 (3), 1081-1100.

8. Galeotti, F., Kline R., and R. Orsini (2017), “When Foul Play Seems Fair: Exploring the Link Between Just Deserts and Honesty”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 142, 451-467.

7. Dai, Z., F. Galeotti,, and MC. Villeval (2017), “The Efficiency of Crackdowns: A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment in Public Transportations”. Theory and Decision, 82, 249–271.

6. Dragone, D., F. Galeotti,, and. R. Orsini (2017), “Non-Monetary Feedback Induces more Cooperation: Students and Workers in a Voluntary Contribution Mechanism”. Revue Economique, 5, 55–71.

5. Loheac, Y., H. Alia, C. Bazart, M.A. Bchir, S. Blondel, M. Bonescu, A. Bornier, J. Brouard, N. Chappe, F. Cochard, A. Flage, F. Galeotti, et al. (2017). “Mise en place d’une expérience avec le grand public : entre recherche, vulgarisation et pédagogie”. Revue Economique, 5, 193-206.

4. Dragone, D., F. Galeotti,, and. R. Orsini (2015), “Students, Temporary Workers and Co-op Workers : An Experimental Investigation on Social Preferences”, Games, 2, 79-123.

3. Galeotti, F. (2015), “Do Negative Emotions Explain Punishment in Power-to-Take Game Experiments ?”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 49, 1-14.

2. Galeotti, F., and Zizzo, D. J. (2014). “What Happens if You Single Out? An Experiment”. Social Choice and Welfare, 43(3), 703-729.

1. Galeotti, F. (2013) “An Experiment on Waiting Time and Punishing Behavior”, Economics Bulletin, 33(2), 1383-1389.

Other publications

Galeotti, F., A. Hopfensitz, C. Mantilla, C. Poggi, and L. Zanfini (2023) "Climate Change Education from the Perspective of Social Norms: A Systematic Review”, AFD policy dialogues, n. 66.

Casoria, F. and F. Galeotti (2020) “Les effets des lois de distanciation sociale sur les normes sociales à l'époque de la COVID-19”, GATE Magazine n. 8.

Galeotti, F. (2016) “Les mesures de la malhonnêteté en laboratoire permettent-elles de prédire la fraude sur le terrain?”, GATE Magazine n. 4.

Galeotti, F. (2014) “Le rôle majeur du statut social en milieu professionnel”, GATE Magazine n. 2.

Galeotti, F. (2014) “Experimental Essays on Singling Out, Emotions, and Electoral Decisions”. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Galeotti, F. and A. Karakostas (2010) “The Promise of Behavioural Economics”. Norwich Economic Papers, University of East Anglia, UK

Working Papers

Galeotti, F., V. Maggian, & I. Pasciuta (2024) “Gender discrimination in competition: evidence from a TV Game show” (submitted)

Galeotti, F., R. M. Rilke & E. Verrina (2024) Beliefs and Group Dishonesty: The Role of Strategic Interaction and Responsibility” (submitted)