
The research network (SFB)

Discrete random structures: enumeration and scaling limits

has been funded by the FWF for the period 2024-2028. 

Principal Investigators: Nathanael Berestycki, Michael Drmota, Ilse Fischer, Christian Krattenthaler, Marcin Lis, Mihyun Kang, Benedikt Stufler, Fabio Toninelli

PhD student: Quentin Moulard (September 2024-)

The project

Random Surfaces: growth, fluctuations and universality

has been funded by the FWF (the Austrian Science Fund) for the period 2022-2026

Principal investigator: Fabio Toninelli

Postdoc: Ivailo Hartarsky (September 2022-)

PhD student: Damiano De Gaspari (October 2022-)


International collaborators:

Alexei Borodin (MIT)

Giuseppe Cannizzaro (Warwick)

Patrik Ferrari (Bonn)

Alessandro Giuliani (Roma Tre)

Benoit Laslier (Paris)

Nikolaos Zygouras (Warwick)