
El Bosque: Mysterium im Wald (2019)

written & directed by Sebastian Mußnig

Executive Producer | Director of Cinematography | Actor

Synopsis: A man on his quest to revenge the death of his friend discovers a dangerous mystery in the forest.

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The Mathematician (2018)

Director | Writer | Actor

Synopsis: A young man needs to solve a problem. Will he succeed?

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Machete Ultra: Part II – Through Time and Space (2017)

Director | Writer | Actor

Synopsis: Trying to deal with the aftermaths of the first movie, Chico sets a chain of events in motion that leads Machete Ultra right to the heart of the mysteries that surround Hermano's death.

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Machete Ultra (2016)

Director | Writer | Actor

Synopsis: Machete and his sidekick Chico try to unravel the mysteries surrounding their friend's death.

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