MQTT Manager

MQTT Manager

MQTT Manager is a general-purpose application to read and write topics on a MQTT broker through a friendly interface based on widgets.

The application is organized in 4 tabs and each tab can contain any number of widgets. Widgets are chosen between the available ones.

The application includes:

  • a complete user manual

  • documentation to learn the MQTT basics

  • the documentation to install a private MQTT broker on:

    • Raspberry Pi

    • Linux

    • macOS

  • the documentation to use the Adafruit IO service instead of your MQTT broker. This allows to get started in a few minutes, without installing additional software

  • Arduino ESP32, Arduino MEGA, Arduino Nano 33 IoT and MKR1000 sketches to create a MQTT node which sends data to the application and can be controlled by it

Available Widgets

Display Widget: This widget shows values coming from your the broker (i.e. Temperature). It can show numbers with 0,1,2,3 decimal digits or rolling text. Moreover an additional label can be used for adding additional information (e.g. Unit of Measure).

Gauge Widget: This widget shows an analog value coming from the broker, moving a needle over a graded scale. The user can customize the minimum and maximum values and separately configure each green, yellow and red region.

Centered Gauge Widget: This widget shows an analog value coming from the broker, moving a needle over a graded scale which is zero centered. This means that the widget can show positive and negative values. The user can customize the maximum value and separately configure each green, yellow and red region.

LED Widget: This widget shows a Led that can be turned on and off through digital values from the broker. User can choose the preferred color.

Switch Widget: This widget sets a digital value to the broker to control something.

Secured Switch Widget: This widget is aimed to operate critical devices since it can't be operated by mistake. To operate the switch, double tap on the widget to remove the security protection.

LED & Switch Widget: This widget is the combination of the two previous widgets, to save space when they are used together with the same variable. The LED is turned on and off with messages from the board to show exactly the status of a digital value on the board. LED color can be configured.

Push Button Widget: This widget temporarily sets a digital value to the broker. Button color can be configured.

Secured Push Button Widget: This widget is aimed to operate critical devices since it can't be operated by mistake. To operate the switch, double tap on the widget to remove the security protection.

Field Widget: This widget allows to enter a text or numeric value which is transferred to the broker.

Knob Widget: This widget sets a non-digital value to the broker moving your finger to change the dial position. User can configure:

  • Minimum Value

  • Maximum Value

  • Dial's color

Slider Widget: This widget sets a non-digital value to the broker moving your finger to change the dial position. User can configure:

  • Minimum Value

  • Maximum Value

  • Dial's color

Graph Widget: This widget graphs values coming from the broker (e.g. Temperature). User can configure:

  • Minimum Value

  • Maximum Value

  • Up to 5 different varibles to show on the same graph

Console Widget: This widget shows the raw value of the related topic

Command Widget: When the button is pressed, this widget writes a value to the related topic.


Documentation is directly accessible from inside the app and can be downloaded in the iCloud driver.

In case you need you can download read it directly from this link: Documentation