
7/30/2022 v2.1:

-- Added new song

-- Minor update in code

7/23/2022 v2.0:

-- If shift, enter, or any key that does not input a character is entered in the input, there will be no penalty

-- Changed line wrap in instructions

-- Added subcategories of the settings button (general, appearance, sound)

-- Added graph

-- Added "Type Fucks Below" text

-- Allowed more than one sound effect to be played at once

7/22/2022 v1.4:

-- Added settings button

-- Added volume control

-- Added music

7/16/2022 v1.3:

-- Added sound effects for timer and for loss

7/14/2022 v1.2:

-- Added color scheme

7/13/2022 v1.1:

-- Renamed game to "Fuck Game"

-- Changed fading animation to change from black text to white

-- Changed color set to green for time indicator when game starts/restarts

-- Stopped the timer from running after the game ends (prevents game from ending for no reason)

-- Expanded instructions

-- Disabled input when game is over

7/12/2022 v1.0:

-- Created