F3 Wilson Whirligig

Areas of Operation (AOs)

Connect 4

Tuesdays and Wednesdays - 5:15 - 6:00

Tuesdays, Connect 4 is primarily a boot camp location.  We make use of the 1/4 mile track and, occasionally, coupons. 

Wednesdays, Connect 4 is primarily an Oil Can.  We do recovery and core exercises.  Don't let the description fool you.  10 high boat/low boats in a yoga session will have you questioning your strength. 

The Run Down

Mondays and Fridays - 5:15 - 6:00

We begin and end the week with a cardio session.  Hunt's student parking lot has a slight up hill slant that makes it ideal for running, bear crawling, crab walking, rucking, or any other creative way to get cardio in.  

The Round Table

Thursdays - 5:15 - 6:00

This local park has a 1/2 mile loop and two soccer fields to accommodate the most rigorous beat downs.  Limited only to the Qs imagination, you can get in a variety of workouts at this location centrally located in Wilson. 

Acid Park

Saturdays - 7:00-8:00

Vollis Simpson Whirligig park is the heart of Wilson.  This local park has many works of art by the late Vollis Simpson.  We meet here on Saturday's for a Q's choice workout.  Workouts range from beat downs with coupons to running tours of downtown Wilson.  

The Rock

Tuesdays and Thursdays - 5:15-6:00

The Rock is one of our Rural AOs.  This location is near a school and softball field.  The Q takes advantage of all resources and the workouts are always memorable.  

The Swamp

Tuesdays and Thursdays - 6:00-6:45 AM

Camp Crystal Lake is a beautiful AO with a 2 mile path that circumvents the lake.  There are mulitple parking lots and plenty of options for any type of workout the Q designs.