Formula One Grand Prix

Research-Developer Material

File Archive > Research-Developer Material

Research material that is useful to developers of F1GP/WC utilities.


F1ED Decompiled

  • Decompiled version of the F1ED source code (requires Visual Basic 3). All the functions/variables have random names.

F1GP-RGB Palette Conversion

  • Contains a conversion array for converting the 255 colours used in F1GP/WC to the RGB values.

Helmet-Trackpix Information-Source

  • Information about the driver selection menu helmet image format and a C source code implementation of the helmets.

Multiplayer Turn-Race Distance Calculator

  • ERace Multiplayer Turn / Race Distance Calculator. Spreadsheet to calculate the length of a race in laps and the number of laps each driver will complete per turn in a multiplayer event.

Track Backgrounds

  • Information about track background images.


  • Spreadsheet containing information about the byte offsets where critical performance values are located in each language version of the F1GP/WC executable.


F1GP/WC has a small but strong community of developers. Game and track editors, TSR patches, carsets, tutorials and other tools are still being developed.

If you are interested in developing mods for F1GP/WC, check out the Development page. Join the discussion on the F1GP forum or contact the F1GP Archive administrator to access additional files and resources aimed at developers, which are not available on this website.

If you have any files and programs that are not included in the File Archive, please send them.