Formula One Grand Prix

EXE Unpacker

File Archive > Miscellaneous > EXE Unpacker

Generic executable unpacker. Use this to unpack your own copy of GP.EXE.


  • IUP 0.6.7 - Intelligent Executable Unpacker. Generic executable unpacker that can unpack compacted or encrypted executable files without knowledge about their compressor.

    • When using IUP under DOSBox you might receive the following error message: "IUP: Can not rename temporary file". In this case, the unpacked GP.EXE file will be located in the DOSBox root folder "C:\" with a random filename like "PHQGHUME". Rename the unpacked file to GP.EXE and move it back to the F1GP game folder.

  • UNP 4.11 - Executable file restore utility. Utility to decompress executable files and restore them to their original state.