Formula One Grand Prix


F1GP Lap Time Calculator. Command-line program that calculates the lap times of the computer-controlled cars, for a given set of performance parameters (AI Grip, Car BHP, Driver Qualifying Skill, Track), using a database file.


  • LapCalc 0.1.2 - F1GP Lap Time Calculator. Command-line program that calculates the lap times of the computer-controlled cars, for a given set of performance parameters (AI Grip, Car BHP, Driver Qualifying Skill, Track), using a database file.

  • LapCalc 0.1.1 - F1GP Lap Time Calculator. Command-line program that calculates the lap times of the computer-controlled cars, for a given set of performance parameters (AI Grip, Car BHP, Driver Qualifying Skill, Track), using a database file.

  • LapCalc 0.1.0 - F1GP Lap Time Calculator. Command-line program that calculates the lap times of the computer-controlled cars, for a given set of performance parameters (AI Grip, Car BHP, Driver Qualifying Skill, Track), using a database file.