The completo (Spanish for "complete", "total") is a hot dog variation eaten in Chile, usually served with ingredients such as chopped tomatoes, avocados, mayonnaise, sauerkraut,[1] salsa Americana, aj pepper and green sauce. It can be twice the size of an American hot dog.[2]

The dish was first made in the 1920s in the fuentes de soda (soda fountains) of central Santiago.[3] The completo was brought to Chile by Eduardo Bahamondes who had recently travelled to the United States on business. It was there that he first saw the "hot dog" which he decided to bring back to his home country. Once back in Chile, he then opened a restaurant in Santiago's historic centre called Quick Lunch Bahamondes where he began to introduce the Chilean people to the hot dog. As people didn't like the original preparation, he added other ingredients like tomato or avocado, that eventually ends to be accepted by the public.[3]

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The completo is also a type of hot dog eaten in Brazil, which generally includes mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, corn, peas, tomatoes, onions, Parmesan cheese and fries. In So Paulo, it is common to add mashed potatoes. Common extra fillings include chicken, cream cheese, ground meat and olives.

Like everything in life, this delicious dish has its origin. On Completo Day, we want to tell you about it so that the next time you come to Chile and indulge in your favorite kind of completo, you can tell your partner how it was born.

Many of the Chilean completo styles are given names based on different nationalities. The completo gringo (American), for example, includes tomato, pickles, lettuce, onions and mayonnaise, while the Brazilian, completo el Brasileo, includes melted cheese and avocado, resembling the green and yellow of the Brazilian flag.

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Pese a lo anterior, el completo mantiene su esencia como un producto callejero y de compra al paso, especialmente para estudiantes universitarios. Tambin se venden en la noche a personas que salen de discotecas. Se suelen realizar completadas como una forma de reunin familiar, convivencia vecinal y hasta para eventos de beneficencia y recaudacin de fondos.

Il existe plusieurs variations du completo selon la combinaison des ingrdients comme le completo italiano et le completo completo. La taille du completo est normalement plus grande que le hot-dog amricain.

La formule du completo est utilise pour laborer d'autres sandwichs. On ajouteĀ  la fin de leur nom le suffixe pleto, par exemple : le sopaipleto (il remplace le pain par une sopaipilla ou une pte de bl frite), le papapleto (il remplace la saucisse par des frites), ou le sushipleto (il remplace le pain par du riz). Il existe aussi le as, qui remplace la saucisse par la viande de churrasco ( grilladeĀ  en franais).

En plus, le completo est vendu dans la rue, dans des petits camions de nourriture qui sont dnomms carritos. Normalement, les carritos vendent le completo moins cher que les restaurants.

Desde el 1 de octubre, el trabajo a tiempo parcial se ha equiparado con el trabajo a tiempo completo a efectos del cmputo de los perodos de cotizacin necesarios para el reconocimiento de las pensiones de jubilacin, incapacidad permanente, muerte y supervivencia, incapacidad temporal, nacimiento y cuidado de menor.

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