Hello! I am EZDev!

Who am I?

I am a student, a programmer, an innovator, and I am the next generation, the future of Game Development, though heavily devoted to Unreal Engine.

Yes, I'm in school! I can learn trigometry and C++ at the same time!

A Little More Personal

It's been a long journey since I was an inexperienced kid trying to make a flappy bird clone with RTX graphics. Along the way, Ive learned a lot, and had the opportunity to grow my knowledge and skills, to hopefully land myself a career in game development, my passion, when I'm done with school of course. Hopefully in 5 years I'll be looking back at this as a starting point for something much greater.

If you don't recognize this game, you don't deserve to.

How I Got Here! (Honorable Mentions)

Got Suggestions?

I am always looking for good idea's for what I can make for the community.