Chrysanthemum 33620



Passage of the Alpha

Passage of the Alpha

Passage of the Alpha

Average to Dominant [250/250]


[RoM] Scented: 5(FB C/S+BG) +4(non-com) +2(rite) =11

[RoF] Desert Flags: 5(FB C/S+BG) +4(non-com) +2(rite) =11

[RoS] Lion Pinning: 5(FB C/S+BG) +4(non-com) +2(rite) =11

Excellent AoAs HC =15



e || 065: 6(1200 WC) +3(PL explore) +2(handler) +2(starter [Anguta 05]) +2(2 alpha tokotas [Munchkin 33393 / Proc 17647 ]) +3(Munchkin 33393 is superstar II) +1(1 affiliated species [Ajax 1833]) +3(tribemate HC [Munchkin 33393]) =22

e || 066: 6(1200 WC) +3(PL explore) +2(handler) +2(starter [Anguta 05]) +2(2 alpha tokotas [Munchkin 33393 / Proc 17647 ]) +3(Munchkin 33393 is superstar II) +1(1 affiliated species [Ajax 1833]) +3(tribemate HC [Munchkin 33393]) =22

e || 067: 6(1200 WC) +3(PL explore) +2(handler) +2(starter [Anguta 05]) +2(2 alpha tokotas [Munchkin 33393 / Proc 17647 ]) +3(Munchkin 33393 is superstar II) +1(1 affiliated species [Ajax 1833]) +3(tribemate HC [Munchkin 33393]) =22

e || 070: 6(1200 WC) +3(PL explore) +2(handler) +2(starter [Anguta 05]) +2(2 alpha tokotas [Munchkin 33393 / Proc 17647 ]) +3(Munchkin 33393 is superstar II) +1(1 affiliated species [Ajax 1833]) +3(tribemate HC [Munchkin 33393]) =22

a UNIQUE outting: 5(FB C/S+BG) +3(PL explore) +4(non-com) +3(3 alpha tokotas [Seon 31915 / Diet Coke 15788 / Nzeru 34407]) +3(Diet Coke 15788 is superstar II) =18

Too... fast...: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +4(non-com) +2(Kasseri 29913 is superstar) =13

Catch Up!: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +4(non-com) +2(Kasseri 29913 is superstar) =13

Hp Payment [1]: 5(FB C/S+BG) +3(PL explore) +2(handler) +2(starter [Mauja 10]) +2(lore [Sikrinerk]) +2(2 alpha tokota [Kaylee 19549 / Nzeru 34407]) +3(Kaylee 19549 is superstar II) =19

Hp Payment [2]: 5(FB C/S+BG) +3(PL explore) +2(handler) +2(starter [Mauja 10]) +2(lore [Sikrinerk]) +2(2 alpha tokota [Kaylee 19549 / Nzeru 34407]) +3(Kaylee 19549 is superstar II) =19

EXPLORING - Down the river: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +1(1 alpha tokota [Diet Coke 15788]) +3(Diet Coke 15788 is superstar II) =11

EXPLORING - I gave up!: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +1(1 alpha tokota [Diet Coke 15788]) +3(Diet Coke 15788 is superstar II) =11

EXPLORING - Something behind the bush...?: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +1(1 alpha tokota [Diet Coke 15788]) +3(Diet Coke 15788 is superstar II) =11

Misc. Art

Dominant to Alpha [300/300]


RoD : : Abandoned Life: 4(FB C+BG) +2(collab) +2(rite) +1(1 companion) =9

RoD : : Late Spring Snowfall: 4(FB C+BG) +2(collab) +2(rite) =8

RoD : : oh aippaq fu-: 4(FB C+BG) +2(collab) +2(rite) =8

Tribal Dominance HC =10


[CE] WF107 33620 [Jan]: 4(FB C+BG) +4(non-com) +2(show) =10
[CE] WF107 33620 [Feb]: 4(FB C+BG) +4(non-com) +3(3rd place) =11


Hp Payment [3]: 5(FB C/S+BG) +3(PL explore) +2(handler) +2(starter [Mauja 10]) +2(lore [Sikrinerk]) +2(2 alpha tokota [Kaylee 19549 / Nzeru 34407]) +3(Kaylee 19549 is superstar II) =19

EXPLORING - Until next time..: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +3(3 alpha tokota [Diet Coke 15788 / Nzeru 34407 / Kid Flash NFS 34870]) +3(Diet Coke 15788 is superstar II) =13

EXPLORING - Iam friendly!: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +3(3 alpha tokota [Diet Coke 15788 / Nzeru 34407 / Kid Flash NFS 34870]) +3(Diet Coke 15788 is superstar II) =13

EXPLORING - WATER!: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +3(3 alpha tokota [Diet Coke 15788 / Nzeru 34407 / Kid Flash NFS 34870]) +3(Diet Coke 15788 is superstar II) =13

EXPLORING - Swimming or no swimming?: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +3(3 alpha tokota [Diet Coke 15788 / Nzeru 34407 / Kid Flash NFS 34870]) +3(Diet Coke 15788 is superstar II) =13

EXPLORING - Lazy Time: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +3(3 alpha tokota [Diet Coke 15788 / Nzeru 34407 / Kid Flash NFS 34870]) +3(Diet Coke 15788 is superstar II) =13

EXPLORING - Start the adventure!: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +1(1 alpha tokota [Diet Coke 15788]) +3(Diet Coke 15788 is superstar II) =11

EXPLORING - Friends or Enemys?: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +3(3 alpha tokota [Diet Coke 15788 / Nzeru 34407 / Kid Flash NFS 34870]) +3(Diet Coke 15788 is superstar II) =13

Ezi Tribe Explore: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +1(1 alpha tokota [Nzeru 34407]) +2(Freyr 32481 is superstar) +3(tribemate HC [Freyr 32481]) =13

Ezi Tribe Explore 2: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL fish) +3(tribemate HC [Nomad 40415]) =10

Ezi Tribe Fishing: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL fish) +2(Freyr 32481 is superstar) +3(tribemate HC [Freyr 32481]) =12

mats: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +4(non-com) =11

Camping out: 5(FB C/S+BG) +3(PL explore) +2(handler) +2(starter [Mauja 10]) +2(lore [Sikrinerk]) +2(2 alpha tokota [Kaylee 19549 / Nzeru 34407]) +3(Kaylee 19549 is superstar II) =19

Tranquil - Explore: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +3(3 alpha tokotas [Seon 31915 / Diet Coke 15788 / Chayim 37606]) +3(Diet Coke 15788 is superstar II) =13

Come back, fox!: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL hunt) +1(1 alpha tokota [Seon 31915]) +2(Seon 31915 is superstar) =10

More feesh: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL fish) +1(1 alpha tokota [Seon 31915]) +2(Seon 31915 is superstar) =10

Hunt - Success?: 6(1220 WC) +3(PL hunt) +2(2 alpha tokota [Seon 31915 / Goreface 31642]) +2(Seon 31915 is superstar) =13

aaaadventure: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +4(non-com) =11

aaa she cried: 4(FB C+BG) +3(PL explore) +4(non-com) =11

Misc. Art

PoTA | Oh no: 4(FB C+BG) +2(2 alpha tokota [Pascal 30657 / Chayim 37606]) +3(Pascal 30657 has Aippaq's Bonds) =9

Alpha+ [26]




Blue Rabbits: 5(FB C/S+BG) +3(PL explore) +2(handler) +2(starter [Mauja 10]) +2(lore [Sikrinerk]) +2(2 alpha tokota [Kaylee 19549 / Nzeru 34407]) +3(Kaylee 19549 is superstar II) =19

Misc. Art

Carryover Avg-Dom =1

Carryover Dom-Alpha =6

Slot Tracking

Normal Female

Average [15]

  1. Used

  2. Used

  3. Used

  4. Used

  5. Used

  6. Used

  7. Used

  8. Used

  9. Used

  10. Used

  11. Used

  12. SWRpg

  13. EventideCreatures

  14. PrincessClam

Dominant [5]

Alpha [10]

Extra [10]