Get Involved

Make a difference.
When you support us, you’re not just baking a cake, writing a cheque or giving up your time to volunteer. You’re buying your child playground equipment to climb on at break time, sending them on outings to places they’ve never been, making new friends, building a community and helping to make our school even more amazing!

Everyone has something to offer.
It doesn't matter how many children you have, how old you are, or what your background is; the PTA benefits from a diverse range of skills - everyone has something to offer. Of course, if you have book-keeping experience you could be a future treasurer or if you've a trade or practical skill your know-how will be invaluable to our 'Working Weekends' - but the most important skills anyone can bring are enthusiasm and a willingness to get stuck in.

It's great for the kids, too!
Studies show there's a direct link between parental involvement at school and how well children do.
When they see us involved in their school and learning, it encourages them to do their best. Being active in a the EPTA not only improves our school, it makes you an excellent role model.