The Yellow Submarine

Llevar la música de los Beatles a 3dx ha sido una experiencia fantástica. Pensé en construir una sala con este fin. Al comienzo dudé si recrear el submarino amarillo, que da título a uno de sus discos mas conocidos, o el club de Liverpool donde comenzaron a tocar “The Cavern Club”. Al final uní las dos ideas construyendo el submarino y recreando en su interior el club. El resultado fue una bonita sala donde homenajear al cuarteto de Liverpool. Kesabel, como Ringo Starr, Hazy Rays, como John Lennon, ¿? como George Harrison and Eyleen como Paul McCartney, hemos dado vida a Los Beatles en 3DX, y siempre en memoria a John Lennon y a George Harrison.

Being able to listen to the Beatles' music on 3dx has been a fantastic experience. I thought about building a room for this purpose. At the beginning I doubted whether to recreate the yellow submarine, which gives the title to one of his best-known albums, or the Liverpool club where they started playing “The Cavern Club”. In the end, I joined the two ideas by building the submarine and recreating the club inside. The result was a beautiful room to pay tribute to the Liverpool quartet. Kesabel, as Ringo Starr, Hazy Rays, as John Lennon, ¿? as George Harrison and Eyleen as Paul McCartney have brought the Beatles to life in 3DX, and always in memory to John Lennon and George Harrison