Things To Do With Your Eyes

A Blog about a Survey Report on the Applications of Eye Tracking

June 29, 2018

We finished and uploaded the project video.

June 23, 2018

Today we wrote up a script for the video that we're making and recorded the audio of us going through that script. We split up the script into different sections, each wrote about that section, then each of us recorded our own sections.

June 20, 2018

We've created a general outline of the report that we are working on, and split up the work between team members. This outline can be seen below and will also be used to organize the video that we will be creating.



How it works / Implementation

Current usage:

Commercially available products (different forms)

HTC Vive + Tobii eye tracking

Hololens + pupil labs eye tracking add-on

FOVE headset

Commercially available applications



Other applications / Keyboard / Navigation

Medical usage

Autism study

ALS study

Future applications

Smartphones (more accessible/mainstream)


June 18, 2018

We have finalized the topic that we have chose, the applications of eye-tracking software, and have chosen a few subjects to study in depth throughout this project. We will be looking at the history of eye-tracking software, the way it works, and current applications of the technology. We will be taking a close look at the video game industry, entertainment, academic research, medical diagnoses, and eye-tracking in Virtual Reality. We will also be taking a look at the possible future developments and possibilities of eye-tracking software. In addition to writing a report, we will also be producing a video to summarize our findings. A full copy of the project proposal can be found below.

CSC 461 Project Proposal

May 28, 2018

On Wednesday we picked our topic, and over the weekend we did preliminary research on our chosen subject. Today we prepared a proposal on the subject.