Animal sound app


This the most basic app we will start with, the animal sound app gives the sound of the animals when their picture is pressed. So lets get started !

So to start we will open the MIT App Inventor in our browser. We recommend using Microsoft edge in a laptop or desktop. Then create a new project and follow the following points-

  1. Click on start new project and name it "Animal_Sound _App".

  2. After some time depending on the speed of your device, the project will open and look like this

3. Drag a button from the palette in left to the phone screen, then in the right you can see the image option after you select the button. This option will add an image in your button. For the image you can choose any animal, for e.g. we choose cat. so then click on the image option and then choose upload file. Then choose an image file from your computer.

4. Then add a label above the button and edit the text and write "Pet The Kitty". The change the font size to 26, adjust the width to "Fill Parent" and change the text alignment to center.

5. Then drag the sound option from the media section in the palate. Sound is a non-visible component, that means the user will not be able to see it while running the app, so it will appear at the bottom of the phone in the designer view under the non-visible components. Then upload the sound file from your system and set it as the source of the sound.

6. Now we will do the programing using block editor. So to begin, on the top right choose the option of "Blocks".

7. Then click on button 1 in the left and choose the when button 1 click block and then click on the sound below button 1 and drag the two blocks call sound1 .Play and call sound1 .vibrate millisecs and the from the math drawer choose the first block with 0 in it and then join it to the second sound block and change 0 by 500. now when the button will be clicked the cat will say meow and then purr. Now your app is ready ! To know how to make the apk of your app go to snippets section in the website.

Have fun with your app and try to add some more animals by yourself !