About me

Greetings! I'm Eyad Abdullah, originally from Syria and currently residing in Germany. I've been involved in software development since 2015, primarily focusing on C# within Unity 3D. Additionally, I've explored 3D and 2D design using tools like Maya 3D, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Adobe XD.

Expanding my skill set, I've delved into web technologies such as HTML, CSS, SQL, and basic PHP. In 2018, I began learning Java and XML, working with Android Studio, and utilizing Google Firebase API and Google Cloud Functions with Node.js for mobile app development.

Although I briefly explored GLSL in 2019, I redirected my focus towards practical applications. In 2020, I joined Crossmedia IT (now 4ALLPORTAL) as a Software Developer. Here, I contributed to Java-based applications using Spring Boot and am responsible for designing connectors and implementing APIs for seamless integration with third-party applications. Concurrently, I enhanced my proficiency in React with Next.js.

In parallel, I've engaged in consultancy and developing projects with Jstgo, specializing in Next.js-based applications. 

You can explore examples of my work below. 

I appreciate your interest and look forward to potential collaborations :)

Under Development

Private Application


Private Application


Menu Design


Menu Design