Home Run Ideas for PhysEd Teachers

Universal Design

This is an example of a Universal Design.  It serves many purposes such as assisting someone who is carrying bags, someone using a wheelchair, someone who doesn't want to touch door knobs, and someone that is pushing a cart.  What kind of Universal Design strategies do you use for PE that serves the MANY different students' backgrounds and ability levels?

Slanted Rope Theory

An oldie but a goodie.  The Slanted Rope Theory.  This demonstrates the PE teachers' ability to understand students' individual needs and to challenge them at a low, middle, and high level.  Whenever teaching a skill, think about challenging students at three different levels and allow them to choose the level of performance.  INCLUSION!

Challenge yourself!

I've read that one thing we should do on a daily basis is CHALLENGE ourselves with something new. I took this idea and applied it to my summer break one year.  I created a self-imposed challenge to reach out in my community and connect with groups and clubs to play 30 different sports.  Not only did I grow personally but professionally as well.  It was a great experience to bring back my adventures to my students the next year.  Here is my BLOG:


Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) Model

Have you ever caught yourself saying to a colleague, "I'm teaching basketball next week" or "I'm working on a volleyball unit right now".  This is unfortunately the way many U.S. phys ed teachers were trained to teach but it is a very narrow way of instructing our students.  Imagine if you could teach a concept that transfers to a variety of different sports, thus  teaching students how to play in five different activities, for example,  instead of just one.  This is Teaching Games for Understanding.  It is a very conceptual way of teaching that make huge connections to understanding game and sport. Challenge yourself to NAME as many sports in each category and try to list similar concepts and tactics.  Then create a lesson.  It is such a deeper and more rich way of teaching.  Have Fun!

Be a Wellness Educator, not just a Physical Educator

PE teachers have a unique opportunity, unlike any other teacher, to reach beyond their classroom and to have an IMPACT throughout the entire school community.  To be a true physical educator, one must embrace the understanding of the whole child and how to teach them physically, socially, and emotionally.  This involves a change in philosophy by becoming more of a Wellness Educator in addition to just teaching PE daily.  How will you impact the wellness of your whole school and the whole child?

The Imagination Playground in PE:  A GREAT way to infuse more Play, creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, and team building into your PE program.

Matt Young challenges traditional PE programs

Dr.  Dean Kriellaars poses a great question about movement.

Dr. Bob Pangrazi - What IS PE?