Explainable and Transparent Child-Technology Interaction

Workshop @ IDC 2024

Welcome to Workshop on Explainable and Transparent Child-Technology Interaction 

Understanding and fostering collaboration between children and technology is a critical aspect of evolving the field, which also gives rise to the importance of developing more explainable and transparent intelligent technology and interaction. This half-day workshop will provide a forum for researchers, designers, and practitioners to discuss the importance and potential benefits of designing explainable behaviours in intelligent technologies such as robots and virtual agents that interact with children. We discuss the topic from the perspectives of developmental psychology, ethics, and technical advancements in the fields. Through a keynote talk, sharing insights of researchers from different perspectives, and an interactive discussion session, we aim to address this topic's gaps and future challenges and how a close interdisciplinary collaboration could help researchers tackle the issues better. No prior experience in the topic is required as we expect new insight to emerge from people not having researched the field closely. 


We welcome paper submissions (2-4 pages) of position papers or work-in-progress reports for a lightning talk related to the following topics 

(1) position papers discussing research questions, opportunities, benefits, or challenges in developing transparent and explainable intelligent technologies targeted to interact with children, 

(2) work-in-progress reports highlighting current research on explainability in child-robot interaction (CRI) or child-computer interaction, 

(3) reflection papers critically reflect on their experiences developing transparent and explainable intelligent technologies for children, discussing challenges, ethical considerations, and lessons learned, 

(4) demo papers showcasing practical implementations or prototypes of these technologies, providing details on design, user feedback, and future directions. 

Accepted papers will be invited to present their submission in a dedicated lightning talk session. The selection will be based on the relevance and quality of the papers submitted. Papers should be submitted in PDF format through the online submission system. At least one author of each accepted paper must register and attend the workshop and main conference. Participation in this workshop does not require the submission of a paper; however, participants are encouraged to submit a brief statement of interest, a short bio, and motivation for joining the workshop. We look forward to receiving your submissions and engaging in lively discussions at the workshop!

Topics of Interest

The call for papers will encompass the following topics, but it is not limited to them. The submissions are encouraged to ensure that these topics are centered around children as primary users of technologies and how their needs related to explainability and trust are catered for.