Hello, after fininshing a bunch of runs I have realised that my External items description mod was preventing my unlocks from happening. I have seen online that this can be negated if I beat Mom's heart once. Is this still true in Afterbirth+? Would I be able to beat mom's heart, turn on the mod and unlock other characters and bosses?

To get the item ID, you can either use this line:

Isaac.GetItemIdByName("[NAME OF THE ITEM IN THE GAME]") (the name is case sensitive)

or check in the mod's code above to see how it is named, it is almost always stored using a line looking like that (example taken from "Extra Constellations" mod):

local pegasus_item = Isaac.GetItemIdByName( "Pegasus" )

in this case, the item is "Pegasus" and the item id is "pegasus_item" (it is case sensitive).

External Item Descriptions Repentance Download Crack

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In the mod's file, above, I saw those lines (there is one for each item, I will only show the first):

local plague_1 = Isaac.GetItemIdByName("The First Plague")

So I then know that the id for the item "The First Plague" is stored as "plague_1". So inside of the line I'm writing, I put "plague_1" in the "[ITEM_ID]" location.

Notice that every line except the "if EID then" and "end" have a semicolon ";" at the end, it is required.

Fiend Folio has "consumed" a few smaller mods into itself! This means that if you have those mods AND Fiend Folio enabled, you should consider disabling said mods to avoid weird bugs, or redundancy such as duplicate items in the game:

Tired of having to memorize everything that every single item in the game does every time? Tired of coming across new items and trying to decide whether you're about to gain an actual boon or arm yourself with a dud off of sheer looks? Then it's time you had some help. With this mod, every item and trinket in the game up to Afterbirth+ gets an external description to let you know what you're in for when you're about to pick it up.

For him, he can use the mod to scroll through all the items he can craft with the contents in his bag + the stuff on the floor. For me it only shows a percentage of which pool the item will come from, and i got no indication of which items i can craft until the bag is full.

With over 700 items, 34 characters, 22 endings, and at least a dozen final bosses, The Binding of Isaac: Repentance is a massive game. But after wading through all of its content, you may feel like Edmund McMillen and his team of developers didn't add nearly enough. Luckily, they also added mod support to the game in 2017, and creators have been able to implement everything from original items and characters to entirely new sections of the game.

There is also a very strong item called Small Rock, a sizable damage upgrade that these rocks can yield. Unfortunately, with several screen-altering effects, the urge to move fast, and the tiny hint of difference between the types, it's quite easy to miss tinted rocks. Well not anymore! The Visible Tinted Rocks mod simply increases the contrast of these rocks and makes them easier to spot, saving you lots of squinting in darker areas.

As much fun as the main game mode is, there are many achievements and features that can only be unlocked by completing Challenges. Some of these unlockable features include special items, powerful cards and runes, and upgrades for characters. While they can provide great benefits, the unlockable features often have no logical connection to the Challenges, which can make it tough to decide what Challenges you want to complete.

When you beat a boss and jump into the trapdoor to the next floor, you will be presented with a short dream cutscene. Since these cutscenes serve no practical purpose, you will develop the muscle memory to immediately skip them after every trapdoor. The Dream Catcher item replaces these useless dream sequences with information about the next floor, namely a preview of the item you'll get from the treasure room (which can be useful for getting Planetarium items) and the boss you'll fight.

Since that muscle memory is so ingrained, however, you may forget you have Dream Catcher altogether and accidentally skip the cutscene. The Hanging Dream Catcher mod will catch you before you make that mistake: a dream catcher will hang above every trapdoor to remind you that you have the item. Say goodbye to your nightmares and your trigger finger.

Extra lives are not uncommon in The Binding of Isaac. Some items will give you stat boosts when you use an extra life, others will revive you as a different character, and one item will even give you nine extra lives. Every time you grab one of these items, the number of times you can revive will be added to a counter on the right side of your hearts, but this counter won't distinguish between different revive mechanics. Figuring out how you will revive can sometimes be an impossible task.

While most active items recharge by clearing rooms, some items recharge over time. And with the addition of more experimental items in the Repentance DLC, these timed active items have started appearing more. But because the game can be so chaotic and fast-paced, constantly taking a peek at the corner of the screen to see if your active item is recharged can waste precious seconds needed to dodge enemies.

The Timed Active Icons mod makes an icon appear above your head when your active item is ready. Since you're sometimes able to hold two or even three active items at a time, each item has a unique icon, which lets you know exactly which items are charged.

There are some very unique characters in this game. For example, The Lost has no HP and also cannot benefit from any HP ups. There's Lillith, who uses the familiar Incubus to shoot and has a blindfold on, preventing her from shooting tears. While these special characters are extremely fun to play, they do make tons of items altogether useless.

This mod has a list of blacklisted items for many characters with a quirk. No More Useless Items does exactly as it says on the tin. The character list that the mod applies to is sizable, and lots of thought seems to have been put into choosing the blacklisted items for each character. This is a great mod to always have on, making many characters so much more fun to play.

The Encyclopedia mod is a self-proclaimed in-game Wikipedia. By pressing the C button (or both control sticks on a gamepad), you will open a book containing practically all the knowledge of the game's universe. This includes descriptions of all characters' unique mechanics and their completion marks, every trinket's effect, and every item's abilities, synergies, and hidden uses.

The mod is also compatible with items and characters from other mods, provided they include an encyclopedia entry in their files. No matter if it's your first or your thousandth hour playing Isaac, the Encyclopedia mod can save you a lot of research time.

The Binding Of Isaac is a game with hundreds of unique items that all interact with one another, have smaller side effects, and can either be amazing or pathetic with your current selection of items. As such, knowing the details of what an item, a dice room, or a consumable does is essential to success.

While part of the fun is learning what each item does and amassing knowledge over time, it can become tedious with the sheer amount of things you have to learn. With the External Item Descriptions mod, a little pop-up of what exactly things do appears as you get close to them. This makes life extremely easier, and to be honest, lowers the barrier of entry quite a bit.

Do you have colorblindness but still want to play The Binding of Isaac? Say no more, because the Colorblind Accessibility mod is here! This mod overhauls the graphics to make certain game elements more distinguishable from each other. The changes are as big as new body parts for enemies or new shapes for items, and as small as modified color intensities for different poops and fires, or new outlines for different hearts.

Still, even with its multitude of items from DLC and the numerous new mechanics introduced with each major update, the game can start to feel stale after a certain point. The best way to refresh The Binding of Isaac for long-time players is to consider using mods. The Steam Workshop is the best place to download the best Isaac mods, but if players have the most recent DLC Repentance installed, they may need to wait for a patch or downgrade to Afterbirth to make many of these mods functional. For those who don't have Repentance, most mods should work completely fine.

The stat icons in vanilla Binding of Isaac: Rebirth leave something to be desired. It's hard to quickly reference stats when using items that change them constantly, like several of the Mushroom-themed items. The Colored Stat HUD Icons mod recolors these all to be unique and easily differentiated from one another.

POG For Good Items is a mod that nobody asked for but serves its purpose perfectly. The latest (and last) DLC for the game, Repentance, created a new behind-the-scenes item rarity system that ranks every item in the game on a 0 to 4 scale. Every item that has a rarity of 3 or higher will cause Isaac to make the infamous poggers face when he's near one.

There is another mod, called The POGGING of Isaac, which enables the over-the-top reaction for characters permanently. It kind of loses its charm after a while, though. It's especially funny if you forget the mod is installed, enter a room with a good item, and get surprised with Isaac's take on the most famous Twitch emotes of all time.

Animated Items takes this to another level, giving more than 80 items in the game custom animations. For example, the Magic Mushroom rotates, The Ludovico Technique eyeball looks around the room, and Spider items will blink. It's a small change, but something that adds another level of creepiness and life to the already beautiful game.

Similar to the Animated Items mod, Animated Costumes changes how certain items appear in-game. Items like Polyphemus and The Mind change the way Isaac looks, the former giving him a gigantic single eye and the latter making his brain poke out of his skull. ff782bc1db

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