
Stephen Rainey

Dr Stephen Rainey is a research fellow in the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics. He is a working in the Horizon2020-funded project BrainCom which is developing therapeutic brain-computer interfaces that will enable communication for users with debilitating speech conditions. Stephen has research interests in the philosophy of language, rationality, governance, and artificial intelligence.

Lydia Feito

Philosophy PhD. Neuroscience PhD. Master Degree in Bioethics. Master Degree in Cognitive Neuropsicology and behavioral neurology. Professor of Bioethics and Medical Humanities at the Faculty of Medicine. Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). President of the Fundamental and Clinical Bioethics Association.

Filipe Barroso

Dr. Filipe Oliveira Barroso (PhD, Biomedical Engineer) is the Coordinator of the EU Project EXTEND “Bidirectional Hyper-Connected Neural System” (Grant Agreement Number 779982). He is with CSIC since March 2018, where he is the Head of the Neural Interfaces and Enhancement Lab at the Neural Rehabilitation Group. His interests include motor control, neural rehabilitation, neural interfaces, movement disorders, tremor, muscle synergies and biomechanics. From 2016 to 2018, Dr. Barroso was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Feinberg School of Medicine - Northwestern University (Chicago, IL).

Blanca Rodríguez

Blanca Rodríguez López is associate professor of moral and political philosophy at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She is currently coordinator of the master program in Applied Ethics.Her work is currently focused on moral enhancement, and its relation with cognitive and mood enhancement. She also works on experimental ethics.

Aníbal M. Astobiza

Aníbal graduated in Philosophy (Universidad de Deusto) and obtained his PhD in Cognitive Science and Humanities at the Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea with a dissertation on social cognition. His research lies at the intersection of the cognitive, biological and social sciences exploring their philosophical underpinnings. He is a member of international (and national) research projects such as for example, EXTEND and INBOTS (Horizon 2020). He explores topics such as roboethics, machine ethics, ethics of AI, data ethics, ethics of neurotechnology, human enhancement, space ethics, applied ethics, bioethics, philosophy of neuroscience, philosophy of psychiatry, altruism, cooperation or philosophy of network science and complexity.

Francisco Lara

Francisco Lara is Senior Lecturer of Moral Philosophy at the University of Granada. His research interest for many years was the conciliation between personal values and ethical consequentialism. He also has several publications about ethical consideration of animals and applied ethics. He is currently working on new technologies and moral enhancement and is the main investigator of EthAI+ Project.

Belén Liedo

Graduate in Philosophy (USAL), Master in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies (UAM). FPU predoctoral researcher at IFS-CSIC and UCM. Research interests: ethics of assistive robotics, care, vulnerability, disruptive technologies.

Marcos Alonso

He is Faculty Member at the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Facultad de Artes Liberales. His areas of research are Bioethics, Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Technology and Philosophical Anthropology. His interests focus on some of the most relevant ethical problems of today, mainly those that have to do with the relationship between technology and the human condition. He is also a specialist in the thought of Ortega y Gasset, whose philosophy he has used to address issues such as ecology or transhumanism. He has published numerous articles on these topics in prestigious journals. Among his publications, it is also worth mentioning the translation into Spanish of Superintelligence, by N. Bostrom.

Jon Rueda

Jon Rueda is a PhD candidate in Philosophy and a La Caixa INPhINIT Fellow at the University of Granada, Spain. His thesis dissertation is about anticipatory ethics and the socially disruptive potentials of genetic enhancement technologies. His research focuses on various topics of bioethics, human enhancement, and ethics of technology.

Pablo García-Barranquero

Pablo García-Barranquero is a posdoctoral fellow at the University of Málaga and visiting scholar at Università Campo Bio-Medico di Roma. He particularly focuses on two topics from bioethics and the philosophy of medicine: aging and cancer relationship and the human enhancement debate.