Important Upcoming Dates

Mon, Oct 16 - Teacher Workday - No School for Students

Wed, Oct 18 - Unity Day - Wear Orange

Thu, Oct 19 - 7:00 pm - Theater Performance - "Mystery, Mime, Mayhem"

Fri, Oct 20 - Pink Out - Wear Pink

Wed, Oct 25 - Volleyball at Corner Lake (Away)

Thu, Oct 26 - Picture Retakes

Thu, Oct 26 - Report Cards go home

Fri, Oct 27 - No School

Mon, Oct 30 - Volleyball at Wedgefield (Away)

Thu, Nov 2 - SAC/PTSA Meeting - 4:30 pm/5:15 pm - Media Center

Notes from the Flight Deck

Congratulations to the boys and girls who made the Discovery volleyball teams!  There were lots of students who came out for tryouts, and we look forward to a fantastic season!

The first quarter has come to an end and report cards will be sent home on Thursday, October 26.  Please take some time to review the report card and celebrate what went well and ask your student to reflect on areas which may need improvement.

Should you ever have questions, please reach out and I will be happy to help.

Jeff Aldridge

Theme Days

We have two different theme days this week - Unity Day is on Wednesday and Pink Out is on Friday.  Unity Day is the signature event of National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month and we wear orange to show unity for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.  Pink Out is to recognize October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we wear pink to show support and raise awareness.

Red Ribbon Week will be held next week and there will be also be daily themes announced to students this week via Canvas.  

Students (and staff) will be allowed to wear costumes on Halloween.  Costumes must be school appropriate, have no weapons, and no masks can cover faces.

Tardy Sweeps

We have seen a significant increase in the number of students arriving tardy from class to class.  Students are allowed 4 minutes to transition to the next class which is plenty of time to get to class even if the student has to walk across campus.  To help combat this problem, we will begin conducting random tardy sweeps.  Students who are not in class during a random tardy sweep will be issued the following consequences:

1st time - Lunch Detention
2nd time - Wednesday School (1 hour)
3rd time - Discipline Referral

Please talk with your child about the importance of being in class on time each period.  We appreciate your support!


Skyward is the Student Information System used by OCPS.  Parents can access Skyward to check grades, daily attendance, and test scores such as FSA.  Parents must register for a Skyward account using a cell phone number or email (these numbers/email addresses must also match what our school has on file in the system).  Each parent can register for their own account and setup is only required once.  Instructions for registering can be found at

Annual Online Parent Forms

The Skyward Family Access Portal has an Online Forms tab when accessed from a desktop or laptop. Online Forms that parents and guardians need to complete can be found in the Online Forms tab. Online Forms can also be located from the Wall in Skyward Family Access. Parents and guardians will be able to complete and submit the Parent Consent Form and Device Refusal Form from the Online Forms Tab or the Wall. 

Parent Consent Form (PCF)—REQUIRED

• Important legislative changes make completion of this form online by parents/guardians imperative.

• The PCF provides parents/legal guardians with the right to make important decisions involving how their child can use available technology resources, how the district uses available media of their child, what personally identifiable information is released about their child, and whether students will participant in school clinic services, health screenings, and mental health services.

• This form MUST be completed by each parent/guardian to access clinic services, health
screenings, and other student services.  

o A parent must elect to opt in to each individual service.

o For example, if the Skyward Parent Consent Form were not completed to supply consent for the school’s clinic services, and your child needs to visit the school clinic, then the school clinic will be unable to treat your child and the parent/guardian will be contacted, except in the case of an emergency. In the case of an emergency, the parent/guardian and appropriate emergency personnel will be contacted.

Parents/guardians must complete the PCF as soon as possible, but no later than ten days after the start of the school year and/or entry.

Device Refusal Form—OPTIONAL 

• Should be used by any parent/guardian who does not want to accept a district laptop or tablet for their student.

 • In this form, parents will certify that they refuse a district device and indicate whether they prefer to register for the BYOD option where students bring a personally owned device from home or if they prefer traditional curriculum. 

• These two options have always existed for families. 

Below is the screen showing the location of the online forms in Skyward.

Cell Phones/Wireless Earbuds

On Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2023 the school board approved the 2023-2024 Code of Student Conduct, which included changes to the district cell phone use policy for students (see page 30).  The updates were made as a result of the feedback received from educators, parents, and the OCPS Discipline Task Force. The changes reflect the input and complies with new state legislation (HB 379), which took effect July 1. While statutes do not allow the use of a communication device during the instructional day, OCPS policy allows for students to possess a cell phone while on campus as long as it is silent and in a backpack or purse. Exceptions will be made for students with an IEP/504 or other reasons related to health or personal welfare which must be approved by school administration. In addition, the rule applies to watches, ear buds and other such devices. 

At no time shall OCPS be responsible for theft, loss or damage to cell phones or other electronic devices brought onto its property.

Student Devices

All students at Discovery Middle are issued a laptop for use at school and home*.  This year, students will receive brand new devices and will keep the same device for the duration of their enrollment at our school.  Students are responsible for their device and must take care not to damage it.  Should a non-warranty repair be needed, OCPS will use the following fee structure and the student/parent/guardian will be the responsible party:

1st Incident - $25
2nd Incident - $50
3rd (and forward incident) - *Depreciated value - see fees below

*Years from Purchase Replacement Cost:
Year 1 - $550
Year 2 - $400
Year 3 - $250
Year 4 - $100

Device checkout will occur during the first three days of school.

*Students have the option of choosing to bring their own device to school daily rather than receiving an OCPS device.  If you choose this option, you must complete the Device Refusal Form on Skyward and make sure your student's device meets the appropriate specifications.