At St. Luke’s we invite you to COME & SEE

we offer you opportunities to EXPLORE & GROW

therefore  BE BOLD & GET INVOLVED!


Here is the vision for our MINISTRIES St. Luke’s

Our ministry opportunities are organized under a few different categories. 

Below are very general explanations of each category. 

Click the down arrow for the full explanation of each ministry.


Love to smile? Outgoing? Enjoy hosting guests? In hospitality we want to create a warm and friendly atmosphere by serving people, greeting people and answering basic inquiries.  This could mean helping out in the parking lot at large gatherings such as Christmas time or prepping coffee and setting table for after mass gatherings.  Welcoming at the doors, helping people find a seat and even passing the collection. 

Food and Social

Building community means food. If you enjoy cooking, serving or creating opportunities for people to connect then this would be your place to get involved. Once the kitchen is completed, the parish wishes to resume welcoming people after mass on Sunday.  This might be just the right spot for you.

Liturgical Ministries during Mass

Lots happens behind the scenes to create beautiful services. This is a good mix between behind-the-scenes roles through set up and organizing, or assisting during Mass. You might be interested in being trained as a sacristan so that we have a team of people read to serve and thus able to support each other.  Life happens….

Maybe you have a passion for the Word of God and have exceptional reading abilities you might want to consider being a reader.  Maybe the Eucharist speaks to you, and you would love to bring your smile and warmth as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist (EME).

Facilities and Administrative Support

Speaking of things that happen “in the background”.  This ministry is all about administrative projects (requiring varying degrees of skill), or building setup, teardown and maintenance. If you enjoy hands-on tasks, computer work or helping to organize then this is the place for you.  Some of these projects are one-time projects – maybe this is for you.

Choir and Audio Visual

Central to serving here are uplifting voices and technical know how. If you can sing or have a knack for computers and/or an interest in operating media equipment at our worship services or during our adult programs (in person or on-line), we would love to talk to you. 

Children and Youth

Do you have a heart for the next generation? We want to ignite young people and teenagers and help them start the discipleship journey on the right foot. Faith-filled adults and teenagers who are a few steps ahead on the journey are needed to help us fulfill this dream.  The Faith & Family coordinator would love to have a conversation with you.

Community Outreach

Desire to serve those in need in the community? Outreach ministries meet with the shut-in, collect donations, help immigrants, and assist those less fortunate.  Our Angels of Mercy feed the hungry once a month and would more than welcome more support.  Let us know and we can put you in contact with them.

First Aid (To be created)

Our Emergency First Aid Responders provide support at Mass and special events by responding to medical situations. If you hold a valid First Aid, CPR Level A and an AED Certification and a desire to assist those in medical need please give thought to joining this ministry.