About SgIS

What is SgIS?

The Singapore-Industry Scholarship (SgIS) is the only multi-industry scholarship in partnership with the Singapore Government, offering Singapore Citizens scholarships at different stages of their university education, locally and overseas.

The organisations participating in the SgIS are from various industries and have a strong focus in developing talent. Together, we groom the next generation of leaders, developing their core skills and competencies, through internships and professional development.

Why SgIS?

SgIS offers you an opportunity to kick-start your career with one of the sponsoring organisations from Singapore’s strategic sectors.

While pursuing your undergraduate studies, scholars can get an early start in personal and professional development through the SgIS Scholars’ Development and Engagement Programme that comprises of:

Through this programme, you get to:

SgIS Schemes

SgIS offers three schemes for Singaporean students.

The SgIS Full-Term is offered to tertiary students embarking on a full-time undergraduate study at a local autonomous university.

The SgIS Mid-Term (Local) and SgIS Mid-Term (Overseas) are offered to students currently pursuing a full-time undergraduate study at a local autonomous / overseas university respectively.