Design and Planning


Describe the types of academic programming you want to offer to students.

Describe the types of enrichment programming: STEM/ARTS/Literacy, and social emotional focused programming and projects you would like your students to experience.

Just like the school year, curriculum is an important anchor for summer instruction. While it may be tempting to create your own summer curricula, research suggests that commercial academic curricula (pre-developed and available for purchase) yield stronger academic gains than self-designed curricula. Given the limited time for planning, teachers also appreciate readymade tools and materials that enable them to focus on creative adaptations and building relationships with students.

Enrichment curricula are more likely to be self-designed. To support quality, research suggests that hiring teaching artists who are skilled professionals in dance, music, visual and performing arts, martial arts, etc., leads to stronger outcomes and engagement in enrichment programming. By selecting shared themes or units across academics and enrichment, instructors can reinforce the same vocabulary and skills throughout the day.

1. What is the target population of students to be served?

2. Are the lessons hands-on and engaging?

2. Are they age- and grade-appropriate? Does the curriculum reflect student interests?

3. Do you have enough time to train instructors on them appropriately?

4. Can they be differentiated? Does they provide readymade tools to support English Language Learners and/or students with IEPs? Do they include checks for understanding?

5. Is the curriculum aligned with goals for social and emotional learning and culturally responsive instruction?

6. Are they repetitive of school-year lessons or experiences?

7. Are the units the right length (duration) to be completed in the summer?

For additional resources to promote social and emotional learning and culturally responsive academic and enrichment design and delivery, visit the SEL Resource Bank and Zaretta Hammond's Ready for Rigor Framework.

Summer Rising SEL Resource Bank for Design/Website


A successful day is dependent upon on students arriving smoothly, activities starting and ending on time, and everyone knowing where to go and what to do. If not properly planned for and staffed, daily transitions for meals, bathroom breaks and class rotations can disrupt the schedule and take away critical time for instruction. Well-designed schedules help create routines for staff and students that enable them to focus less on logistics and more on learning and enrichment. They also enable site leaders to locate students and staff quickly if needed.

• As you allocate spaces for program activities, consider the distance between program areas (classes, cafeteria, restroom, outdoor space, etc.), group activities close together to minimize transition time and disruptions, and build in time for transitions within the program schedule.

• Consider the temperature of all spaces and the anticipated noise level of various activities as you plan your schedule, taking care to assign spaces that will be comfortable and productive for students and staff throughout the day.

• Consider creating multiple versions of your schedule to provide both a big picture of the entire site at a glance and more detailed views of each week. Once finalized, share the program schedule with families and post it throughout the program space.

The Snyder ISD Program Schedule provides an example of a completed program schedule with scheduled time for transitions.

Snyder ISD 2021 Summer Schedule


What kind of staffing support will you need?

A successful summer program requires a thoughtful approach to recruiting, hiring and training all staff. Students benefit the most from experienced and capable instructors who are well prepared for their roles and have relevant content knowledge and grade-level experience. Newer enrichment staff benefit from professional development on positive behavior management systems to be used throughout the day. For all staff, opportunities to observe and practice curriculum delivery during staff training are essential for successful instruction.

The Staffing Tool will help you identify essential staff positions, roles and responsibilities.

The Professional Development Tool will help you map out essential goals, topics, modalities, and timing to prepare all members of your team.

Summer Rising Staffing Tool
Summer Rising PD Tool