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Last Checked: October 2022

Help and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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This is a collection of frequently asked questions and helpful information about the Exosphere "touch and go" construction system, and other technical items available from the store. 

Q: I modified an Exosphere module and now it's completely ruined. Help!

Delete it and rez the original one you bought - that's why we made them copy as well as modifiable!  If you've lost or damaged your original purchase, get yourself the latest version downloaded to your inventory. 

Q: How do I install the Magno-Bolt Accessories

A: If you see Magno-Bolt anchor plates you will also find you have some free Magno-Bolt set of accessories that you can attach to them. This means you can optionally add extra items simply by touching the magnetic plates and link them to the anchor plates of the structure!

You can regard them as electromagnetic plates.  When you touch one it turns red and waits for you to touch another plate. When you do, the first plate will move itself to align with it.

Follow the simple visual guide you see here.  Always remember that it's the first plate you touch that will move itself to align with the second one you touch.  The rule to remember is...

     "Move THIS to THAT"

They are not linked in the SL sense, so you can easily move them apart again or remove them if you want to.

Update: Sometimes the newer versions of the Magno-Bolt Plates are coloured differently. Check with the documentation to see what colours to look out for.  Also, the newer-style Magno-Bolt plates will glow green (rather than red) to remind you that THEY are the ones always expecting to move themselves into place.  

Q: I touched a door frame but it didn't turn red.

Sometimes, the frame may not respond to your touch.  This can happen in SL if the script needs refreshing, so you may need to edit and reset the module's scripts.  Or you can simply delete the module and rez another copy.  The new one will work just fine

Q: The Tactical Scanner ignores the edit changes I make to the Notecard in the Scanner's Contents

The Scanner doesn't like it when you edit the notecard while it is still inside the Scanner.  Here's how make your own changes to it. Simply drag the notecard out from the Scanner's contents to your directory and then edit the notecard, THEN delete the version that is in the Scanner and replace it with the one from your inventory.  This forces the Scanner to read the notecard. In fact, you can have a library of several 'themed' versions of the notecard in your inventory and use whatever is appropriate. Just remember to delete the one that's in there first.

Q: Can I add equipment myself to my Exosphere modules

Yes.   All our modules are copy and mod. It may sometimes say no modify, but that's only for the scripts - you can still mod the structures.   But remember, that when the module moves, they will get left behind.  You can link your own stuff to the Exosphere modules, but If you do, always ensure that the original root prim is still the root prim after you have linked your stuff or you will be unable to align them automatically (although you can still do so manually)

Q: I need more help on using Exosphere

You can always Visit our dedicated web site at (which has more information, and guides) or you can contact either Eco Chronowire or Brenda Hoisin in Second Life.  Send an IM or a notecard and one of us will get back to you as soon as we can.

...and there's more...

Here's the text of the instruction notecard that is distributed with all Exosphere Modules.

Exosphere SLAB Construction

W e l c o m e   t o   E x o s p h e r e

Visit the Exosphere web site for lots more information.

You know how you love those spaceships, corridors and tech buildings in scary Science Fiction films like Alien?  So do we!  That's why we have based these designs on the dark, dangerous world of deep space and unknown threats.  Perfect for Role Play or even to live in.  

How To Use Your Modules

A module is any part of the starbase or space station that includes a bulkhead frame. That's those yellow and black striped door frames. They're like special magnets and will help you nuild your starbase, easily and quickly.

Once you have your modules, just rez them and you can start to align them together. Touching the yellow striped area on the door frames will auto-align a module to any other module with a similar bulkhead door frame. We call this SL-based  technology "SLAB", which stands for "Surface Location Alignment Blocks". It works with a single touch when applied to each bulkhead frame you want to join. It works even when the modules are a distance apart - they will still find each other.  The technology doesn't get confused when there are multiple bulkheads around and your module can be orientated to any angle before joining. They are very low lag (just a single small script) and modules can be copied, modified moved and re-used any time you wish.  

Joining Them Up

Q: The Artificial Brain (BRAINN) has stopped learning.

​"Thanks for the Artificial Brain. It learns fast but sometimes some copies stops talking. I tried to reboot and re-rezzing it but couldn't find the best way yet. The one I have in the Medici University works well and it already has an IQ 154​.  To reboot the Brain's intelligence, do the following steps:  

Right click the Brain and select "Edit", then select the "Contents" tab.

Look for a script called "_Niall_Main".   Open this script (by double-clicking on the script name). You'll see the reset button on the edit window.  

​Press it and then you see the IQ = 0 and all is 0 but open the computer and start talking to the Brain.  You'll see it jump to a new level.