Call for White Papers

Read the white-papers submitted by the community [here]

The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) formed a working group to study the science drivers for future exoplanet investigations with JWST and HST. This WG solicited brief white papers from the community to provide advice and recommendations on how JWST and HST observations can best be leveraged to investigate exoplanet systems. In addition, the STScI Director has decided to devote ~500 hours of Director's Discretionary time starting in Cycle 3 to a new JWST Legacy program focused on exoplanets. 

The White Papers were meant to address any of these topics: 

These papers were limited to one page of text and one page of figures and could address any aspects of the topics listed above. If the white paper is on a specific DDT concept it should summarize the anticipated science objectives and convey a sense of their importance, urgency, risk, and timeliness. They should briefly explain why those objectives cannot be accomplished under the present time allocation system and should include a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of the proposed investigations. White paper authors should assume that the readers are knowledgeable about the basics of exoplanet science and should not devote time or space to a lengthy introduction or background information. 

The deadline for submission of white papers was 8 September 2023.

We were interested in a broad range of concept ideas from the community. The scope of the Legacy DDT program could take a variety of different approaches. Examples for concepts for a large-scale DDT topics might include (but are not limited to):

The white papers were reviewed anonymously by the WG with the goal of ensuring that many voices are heard in the formulation of the appropriate priorities for exoplanet science with HST and JWST.  The working group’s goal is to maximize the science return and legacy value of the observations and the resultant data products. The Working Group will summarize their conclusions in a report to the Director and presentations to the STUC and the JSTUC. Interim recommendations will be presented in the Fall of 2023, with the final report due by January 2024.  All de-anonymized submitted white papers will be made available after the final report and authors should not post them publicly beforehand (e.g., on the arXiv).