Like has been used as a conjunction in ways similar to as since the 14th century. In the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries it was used in serious literature, but not often; in the 17th and 18th centuries it grew more frequent but less literary. It became markedly more frequent in literary use again in the 19th century. By mid-century it was coming under critical fire, but not from grammarians, oddly enough, who were wrangling over whether it could be called a preposition or not. There is no doubt that, after 600 years of use, conjunctive like is firmly established. It has been used by many prestigious literary figures of the past, though perhaps not in their most elevated works; in modern use it may be found in literature, journalism, and scholarly writing. While the present objection to it is perhaps more heated than rational, someone writing in a formal prose style may well prefer to use as, as if, such as, or an entirely different construction instead.

a similar or comparable person or thing, or like persons or things; counterpart, match, or equal (usually preceded by a possessive adjective or the): No one has seen his like in a long time. Like attracts like.

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If you need to match the characters _ or %, you must escape them. By default,you can prefix the wildcard characters the backslash character \ to escape them.The backslash is used both to encode special characters like newlines when a string isparsed as well as to escape wildcards in a pattern after parsing. Thus, to match anactual backslash, you sometimes need to double-escape it as "\\\\".

Unless OP states otherwise, assume no knowledge beyond a typical secondary education program. Avoid unexplained technical terms. Don't condescend; "like I'm five" is a figure of speech meaning "keep it clear and simple."

Determining how to establish AAPs for a campus-like setting is case-specific and fact-dependent based on the factors outlined above. Generally speaking, the more operationally intertwined the units are, the more appropriate it becomes to group them into a single AAP. Conversely, the more operationally distinct the units are, the more appropriate it becomes to develop separate AAPs.

Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Section 1031 now applies only to exchanges of real property and not to exchanges of personal or intangible property. An exchange of real property held primarily for sale still does not qualify as a like-kind exchange. A transition rule in the new law provides that Section 1031 applies to a qualifying exchange of personal or intangible property if the taxpayer disposed of the exchanged property on or before December 31, 2017, or received replacement property on or before that date.

Thus, effective January 1, 2018, exchanges of machinery, equipment, vehicles, artwork, collectibles, patents and other intellectual property and intangible business assets generally do not qualify for non-recognition of gain or loss as like-kind exchanges. However, certain exchanges of mutual ditch, reservoir or irrigation stock are still eligible for non-recognition of gain or loss as like-kind exchanges.

I am an older woman who entered philosophy naively in the 70s. I barely noticed that I was about the only other woman in my undergraduate classes and at the graduate level, I was one of two in my cohort group. However, I found my professors in college and in graduate school nothing but respectful and they seemed to treat me equally to the men in my program. Most of my fellow students did likewise. I went to a Jesuit grad program so we are not talking about the most enlightened group in academia when it comes to feminism but I never felt belittled because I was a woman.

You can allow students to like replies in an announcement even if students are not allowed to reply to announcements. If an announcement allows liking, users will see a Like icon within each announcement reply. By default, liking is available to all users in the course; however, you can choose to restrict the option to graders only.

Only graders can like: select this checkbox if you want to limit the liking functionality to only graders in the course, which means only users with the Edit Grades permission can see the Like link. However, all users will still see the total number of likes for each reply.


Diamonds feel like they have an oily film on them. This characteristic prevents diamonds from being dirty. Diamonds have a metallic luster like new steel or lead. They will not be clear like glass. They do not have a solid dull look like the jasper. Diamonds are translucent. You can typically see into them but not through them.

Blue like an Orange Sustainable Capital seeks to invest in opportunities in a diversified set of emerging market companies that deliver both strong risk adjusted returns and social impact aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Like every bureaucratic system, banks run on a formal system of recordkeeping which requires an unrecognized, illegible shadow system to actually function. The interactions between those systems, and what they are optimized for tracking and not optimized for, cause a lot of the pathologies that people see. The seminal text on this, focused on government bureaucracies, is Seeing like a State.

This is a wonderful exploration of what teaching and learning looks and feels like. The images allow the reader to see what authentic teaching is in higher education and not just read about it. Spanning all disciplines, this volume captures the beauty and reality that is teaching and learning.

A new report, Spreading like Wildfire: The Rising Threat of Extraordinary Landscape Fires, by UNEP and GRID-Arendal, finds that climate change and land-use change are making wildfires worse and anticipates a global increase of extreme fires even in areas previously unaffected. Uncontrollable and extreme wildfires can be devastating to people, biodiversity and ecosystems. They also exacerbate climate change, contributing significant greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere.

Our galaxy holds at least an estimated 300 million of these potentially habitable worlds, based on even the most conservative interpretation of the results in a study released today and to be published in The Astronomical Journal. Some of these exoplanets could even be our interstellar neighbors, with at least four potentially within 30 light-years of our Sun and the closest likely to be at most about 20 light-years from us. These are the minimum numbers of such planets based on the most conservative estimate that 7% of Sun-like stars host such worlds. However, at the average expected rate of 50%, there could be many more.

This result builds upon a long legacy of work of analyzing Kepler data to obtain an occurrence rate and sets the stage for future exoplanet observations informed by how common we now expect these rocky, potentially habitable worlds to be. Future research will continue to refine the rate, informing the likelihood of finding these kinds of planets and feeding into plans for the next stages of exoplanet research, including future telescopes.

Likewise, if the evaluation is -3.00, then Black is ahead, and Black's advantage is about the same as having an extra Bishop or Knight!


 Sometimes, near the end of the game, you might see an evaluation like +M2: bad news if you're playing Black... This means White can force checkmate in two moves!

Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS) is a condition that affects many of the body's systems, particularly the brain and nervous system (encephalo-) and muscles (myopathy). The signs and symptoms of this disorder most often appear in childhood following a period of normal development, although they can begin at any age. Early symptoms may include muscle weakness and pain, recurrent headaches, loss of appetite, vomiting, and seizures. Most affected individuals experience stroke-like episodes beginning before age 40. These episodes often involve temporary muscle weakness on one side of the body (hemiparesis), altered consciousness, vision abnormalities, seizures, and severe headaches resembling migraines. Repeated stroke-like episodes can progressively damage the brain, leading to vision loss, problems with movement, and a loss of intellectual function (dementia).

Sometimes MRSA can cause an abscess or boil. This can start with a small bump that looks like a pimple or acne, but that quickly turns into a hard, painful red lump filled with pus or a cluster of pus-filled blisters.

A ship like no other, the space shuttle launched like a rocket and landed like a glider while transporting astronauts to space and back for thirty years. Stand in awe of this American icon at Space Shuttle Atlantis, permanent home of the orbiter. Explore shuttle missions that secured the future of Hubble Space Telescope and the International Space Station. Learn how to dock and land the shuttle with training simulators. and then strap in for lift-off at Shuttle Launch Experience. Discover the legacy of NASA's Space Shuttle Program.

Although adults may prefer soft surfaces for sleep, research shows that babies who sleep on top of soft surfaces or with items are at higher risk of SIDS and other sleep-related death. Soft surfaces, like couches, sofas, waterbeds, memory foam, air or pillow-top adult mattresses, quilts, blankets, and sheepskins are not safe for babies to sleep on. 2351a5e196

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