Hi, totally new to power apps and to app development overall, I have been making complex Excel spreadsheets over the past 10 years, using many Excel functions such as vlookup, sumif and so on, combined with VBA macros and connections with distant MySQL databases (with ODBC connectors), let's take one example out of many: I developed a sales software in Excel where several people could simultaneously add new customers and articles, create quotations and invoices, edit them in nice looking Excel spreadsheets, save quotations or invoices with a macro which records everything into a distant MySQL table, and even print invoices as pdf (via Word mail merge)... It can basically do what any good sales software can do.

Now let's get to my question: can I use Power Apps to turn such complex Excel spreadsheets into apps that I could upload to Google Play as any app? Can I use the real power of Excel and my knowledge of it, while bypassing my lack of knowledge of app development, to make apps where the frontend would basically show on a nice smartphone app some editable fields which would correspond to cells in the Excel sheet, then my complex Excel file would do all the complex work in the background and the frontend would display result values corresponding to some other cells in the Excel sheet?

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A Power App that's connected to an Excel sheet can read and write to the spreadsheet, and not much more. It isn't possible to retrieve the result of a calculated cell in Excel so the answer to your question is no, it isn't possible to implement the calculations and logic at the Excel level.

Using your complex workbook, consider each tab as a screen within your app. Each screen will accomplish something: add new customers and articles, create quotations and invoices; while recording/saving back to your SQL table. You'll need to build each of these screens in Power Apps and you can mirror them to look like your excel workbook.

Thank you for your detailed reply, indeed my example of Excel spreadsheet for sales was something I did in the past to share internally with the team while my new need would be an app for some customers (mainly professional customers but possibly individual consumers as well).

Ensure that the value selected from the dynamic selector is wrapped in a single quotes. Also, the 'excelcolumnname' needs to be replaced with actual name of the excel column that you have in the excel sheet for this particular attribute.

Note that if there are spaces between the name of the excel column, e.g., 'excel column name', the query will have all the spaces replaced with '_x0020_' and the query will be excel_x0020_column_x0020_name eq ''.

Hi I hope someone can help with this probably simple problem. I have an excel spreadsheet that I want to share links to documents with. I find my document in dropbox, right click, share link get the address and then post this into excel as a hyperlink. Once the hyperlink opens it opens my dropbox to a blank page not to the specified document. How to do do this properly?

Thankyou very much Phil for your answer I do appreciate your time.

That was the first way I was trying it, but then I can not seem to access these "mylinkedfile" from another device or computer.

My aim is to create an excel spreasheet that has hyperlinks to my important documents and files that I can access not only at home, but anywhere. I can currently obviuosly open my files anwhere by searching in dropbox, but I thought a planning document with the files listed in it in the catergories I need it would suit my needs this time. Eg I am a teacher, I want to link these documents into my lesson plans and be abel to access it through the excel sheet at school too???

I have the same problem to... I have a Excel spread sheet we use to track estimates.. We have one folder on Dropbox with all our estimates in as pdf's, we want to email the Excel spreadsheet tracker out to colleagues allowing them to click on the shared hyperlink we have pasted on to the spread sheet taking them to each individual pdf, but when they click on the link they receive an error message "Cannot open the specified file" we know the links are live & the spread sheet is fully active with no restrictions, but what i find even more strange is if i email the the spread sheet back to myself, using the same PC i made the spread sheet with & me being spreadsheet author and Dropbox owner i to receive the same error message...

It sounds like you've actually used relative links Lea - as in the work on that one machine only as they point to local folders (le. Lea's Work\Dropbox\Excel\Quotes). As soon as the excel file is ANYWHERE else those links fail.

A template for Excel is a pre-built spreadsheet or workbook that's already formatted, organized, and populated with formulas tailored for its purpose. If you need to organize or plan something, there's probably an Excel spreadsheet or workbook template perfect for the task. You can use pre-built Excel templates for time management, budgeting, project planning, and much more.

You can use Excel templates to unlock the full functionality of your spreadsheets. Excel is way more than rows and columns: You can use it to organize your personal life, your professional tasks, manage your time, boost your productivity, and more. See what you can do with Excel when you start with a customizable template.

Yes I have this problem too. It's not just that Excel files are read-only, the problem is that ArcGIS Pro won't reread an excel file once it's been read once. One would think the "refresh" command would do this but it doesn't work for me. I have to close Pro down and open it again every time. Very frustrating when I'm working through a large Excel file with lat/lon values and using ArcGIS Pro to find typos.

If I may make a suggestion: unless you have a compelling reason to leave your data in the excel format, convert the excel worksheet into an ArcGIS geodatabase table and perform your edits there. Excel is a spreadsheet; ArcGIS is a database management system. You'll have far less headaches if you treat your data as a database.

Use the opportunity to show the students that working with gdb tables is very similar in some respects to working with spreadsheets... but different... they won't rely less on the familiar and be able to apply their skills to a new environment.

3. I remove the point layer from the map, save the map, refresh the catalog pane, etc. Pretty much do everything I can think of to make ArcGIS Pro "forget" the excel file (which again was never added to the map anyway) short of closing Pro down completely.

I think you need to remove the excel file from Pro in catalog as well, save the project, edit outside Pro, then re-add. The 'refresh' should occur when the excel file is removed and the project is saved. When you remove it from the map, there is still a reference to it in the Standalone Tables section in the map's Contents pane. It needs to be removed as well.

Hello! I am trying to upload an excel spreadsheet into Hubspot's contacts and when I get to "MAP" I correct the columns and won't let me move past the MAP category to Details. All columns are showing MAPPED. Any suggestions.

I am importing a very simple excel file that is a mailing list. Create and update contacts. Above the mapping table it says "Contacts can't be imported. Required properties not mapped" but when I fix it, now "Mapped" is checked under every category and "Next" is still not illuminated to move to the next screen.

We use an excel spreadsheet that is saved on a shared company drive to track certain parameters in my job and I would like to link to it on Monday. Every method I try seems to force the user to download the spreadsheet despite it being on a shared drive. It is constantly updated and it would be a hassle to have to re-upload it to the project on Monday every time it is updated. Is there a way to link to it directly? Thank you.

Hi @David_Gusaas you are correct, currently there is not a way to import subtasks from an excel sheet into Asana, just the parent tasks. Would you be open to chatting about your use case and how your subtasks are formatted in the spreadsheet?

I have embedded this cube view into a spreadsheet form, so that users can either directly enter their forecast numbers into the spreadsheet in OS app, or it can be opened in Excel for users to complete outside the system. When I open the file in Excel, the CV correctly works and refreshes, and submission correctly writes the cells back to Onestream when FCT1 numbers are entered.

However, I am stuck on one thing - is there a way to update the Cube View form cells by referencing other cells in another spreadsheet, or in the workbook? I can link 1 cell individually, but once I reference the cell, it automatically converts to a number and I cannot autofill any formula link to the remaining cells. Most users will either be wanting to link to the budget numbers and adjusting those, or workings they have in their own spreadsheets.

Here is what we're hoping to achieve... for our criminal case files, we are required to keep a log of any time that a new document pertaining to the case is entered into the LF repository. To do this, currently, we manually update an Excel spreadsheet (with each row having the name of the document, the user who stored it, and the date it was stored). This is fine, however, we would like to streamline this process for them so that, once a new file is entered into that repository folder, it'll automatically update the spreadsheet for them.

What I have heard so far is that without very advanced scripting, this is not possible utilizing the built-in tools from workflow. Have any of you been able to achieve something similar to this in Excel? That's the preference. If not, any other proposed solutions you could offer? I've thought of two...

1. A Word doc where the Workflow activity updates the table with the information of the new document. I've kind of struck out on this one though - can't seem to get that functionality to work.

2. Having Workflow kick off a basic form that overwrites itself each time a new document is entered into that folder of the repository. I have gotten this to work for ONE line of the form, which looks great. But subsequent rows aren't filled, and that first row just gets overwritten.

I am open to suggestions, but this would be a huge help to our Legal team if we could figure something out here! Please let me know if you need anything else from me to help troubleshoot this issue. 0852c4b9a8

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