I am trying to see if there is a way to easily print each sheet in my excel workpaper to PDF (would be helpful if I could select which sheets too). To give more background, it's a workpaper that has several sheets for invoicing purposes, and I'd like to easily drop the file in and run a workflow that will print each invoice to PDF. However, I'm not too advanced in the reporting tools. Also, I'm not sure if it's possible to use one input tool for something like this, or if I would have to manually add in a input tool for each sheet/invoice. It'd also be extremely helpful if I could also use some sort of dynamic naming for each output based on an invoice # listed in each sheet if possible.

Can you test bringing in the excel file as a standard input, but selecting to read in a list of sheet names and then to also show full path as shown below. Then build the connection string to feed into the Dynamic Input

Excel 2010

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Excel sheets with SAP BW Queries (BEx Analyzer) have a lot of VBA macros in them. Uploading those to Alteryx will cause issues. Please save the sheet as normal Excel (thereby deactivating any macros), check whether the content from your refresh remains unaffected, and then upload it to Alteryx.

Hi @PDempsey, by saving it as a normal Excel (XSLX or even CSV), the macros get disabled which will allow Alteryx to read the file correctly. A macro-enabled file may not be read correctly with the Input data tool as it reads the contents of the files, and not the macro or VBA code within them.

I am getting the same error message "The Excel archive is corrupted: shared strings root=x:sst". I have no VBA macros and the excel extension is a normal .xlsx. Opening the Excel and re-saving does resolve the error, however I would like to better understand why it's happening to prevent it in the first place.

I had my coworker create the attached Excel file (Excel.xlsx) which opens and looks fine in MS Excel. However when I drag this file onto the designer canvas, I click OK and the Input tool gives me the error "The Excel archive is corrupted: shared strings root=x:sst". This file was created by an RPA "bot" however that should not matter. Please test and let me know what you think. Thanks!

I keep my excel worksheets in "Page Layout" mode when I work, I find it best when I plan to print the document in the end. In the last 2 weeks, none of the documents I've printed are coming out the way they appear on the workbook.

@Sergei Baklan You legend! I have been having issues with printing to PDFs on two of nine PCs for months if not years. I was having to get other people in the office to print certain (not all) spreadsheets to PDF for me. This solved the issue for me. Thanks!

I just spent two hours on an excel file only to have excel crash before i saved it and lost my work. I am using MS Excel 97-2004 on a MacBook Pro and right now have to manually save all work. How can I set up MS Excel/Word/PPT to auto save every 10 minutes to my Business's Dropbox account? I want to be able to work without having to manually save my file every few minutes.

There isn't a way for Dropbox to do this but as I understand it there is an auto-save feature in Microsoft Excel. I believe most versions have this. Take a look at this article -us/article/use-autosave-and-autorecover-to-help-protect-your-files-in-...

If you're referring to auto-saving directly to your Dropbox account then it's very likely that Microsoft prevents that as a way to force OneDrive use. There are even topics on Microsoft's forums that discuss this, and the usual answer is to use OneDrive.

However, the auto-save feature just needs a folder on your computer, and you can easily specify your local Dropbox folder. Any files that are auto-saved to the Dropbox folder are then synced like any other file would be. I have my local Dropbox specified as the auto-save location in Excel and it's never been an issue.

The floating Dropbox logo is the Dropbox Badge. It doesn't allow simultaneous editing, but does alert you when others are in the document and it allows you to load the latest changes if any, among other things. Simultaneous editing is possible and has been for a long time through the Dropbox website (the same way Google Docs does it).

When I import it into Excel, I get data up to row 1,048,576, then re-import it in a new tab starting at row 1,048,577 in the data, but it only gives me one row, and I know for a fact that there should be more (not only because of the fact that "the person" said there are more than 2 million, but because of the information in the last few sets of rows)

With MS-Excel you can then create a data connection to this source (without actual loading the records in a worksheet) and create a connected pivot table. You then can have virtually unlimited number of lines in your table (depending on processor and memory: I have now 15 mln lines with 3 Gb Memory).

Additional advantage is that you can now create an aggregate view in MS-Access. In this way you can create overviews from hundreds of millions of lines and then view them in MS-Excel (beware of the 2Gb limitation of NTFS files in 32 bits OS).

Excel 2007+ is limited to somewhat over 1 million rows ( 2^20 to be precise), so it will never load your 2M line file. I think that the technique you refer to as splitting is the built-in thing Excel has, but afaik that only works for width problems, not for length problems.

First you want to change the file format from csv to txt. That is simple to do, just edit the file name and change csv to txt. (Windows will give you warning about possibly corrupting the data, but it is fine, just click ok). Then make a copy of the txt file so that now you have two files both with 2 millions rows of data. Then open up the first txt file and delete the second million rows and save the file. Then open the second txt file and delete the first million rows and save the file. Now change the two files back to csv the same way you changed them to txt originally.

I'm surprised no one mentioned Microsoft Query. You can simply request data from the large CSV file as you need it by querying only that which you need. (Querying is setup like how you filter a table in Excel)

If you have Matlab, you can open large CSV (or TXT) files via its import facility. The tool gives you various import format options including tables, column vectors, numeric matrix, etc. However, with Matlab being an interpreter package, it does take its own time to import such a large file and I was able to import one with more than 2 million rows in about 10 minutes.

The tool is accessible via Matlab's Home tab by clicking on the "Import Data" button. An example image of a large file upload is shown below:Once imported, the data appears on the right-hand-side Workspace, which can then be double-clicked in an Excel-like format and even be plotted in different formats.

I was able to edit a large 17GB csv file in Sublime Text without issue (line numbering makes it a lot easier to keep track of manual splitting), and then dump it into Excel in chunks smaller than 1,048,576 lines. Simple and quite quick - less faffy than researching into, installing and learning bespoke solutions. Quick and dirty, but it works.

Use MS Access. I have a file of 2,673,404 records. It will not open in notepad++ and excel will not load more than 1,048,576 records. It is tab delimited since I exported the data from a mysql database and I need it in csv format. So I imported it into Access. Change the file extension to .txt so MS Access will take you through the import wizard.

The best way to handle this (with ease and no additional software) is with Excel - but using Powerpivot (which has MSFT Power Query embedded). Simply create a new Power Pivot data model that attaches to your large csv or text file. You will then be able to import multi-million rows into memory using the embedded X-Velocity (in-memory compression) engine. The Excel sheet limit is not applicable - as the X-Velocity engine puts everything up in RAM in compressed form. I have loaded 15 million rows and filtered at will using this technique. Hope this helps someone... - Jaycee

I found this subject researching.There is a way to copy all this data to an Excel Datasheet.(I have this problem before with a 50 million line CSV file)If there is any format, additional code could be included.Try this.

One of the places I learn the most is a group chat I have with my friends Dror Poleg and Ben Rollert. Dror, who writes about the history and future of work, cities, and finance, and Ben, who is the founder and CEO of Composer, are two of the smartest people I know.

Second, Gates and Raikes decided that they needed to take advantage of the graphical interface, so they switched mid-project from building for the PC, which was operated via command line interface, to building exclusively for Mac.

Excel is declarative in that you define what you want by typing a formula, without having to worry about how to perform the step-by-step computations. I can calculate the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) on an investment without needing to know the formula, let alone how to program it. I just type =IRR(C4:G4) and voila!

By operating at a very high level of abstraction, an Excel user is spared the headache of dealing with a lot of minutiae and incidental detail that is intimidating and frankly uninteresting to most people. Instead, Microsoft assigns an army of well-compensated developers to worry about the details, and the user just has to pick the right function to use.

Excel leverages a mental model that has been deeply ingrained in our culture for decades: a two dimensional grid using A1 notation. By assigning rows with numbers and columns with letters, a user can identify a single cell in a large 2D grid without confusion or ambiguity. By sticking to the same conceptual model that has been in use since at least 1979, people can understand how Excel arranges data without learning anything new. 152ee80cbc

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