Will No Contact Make Him Move On

On the other hand, it is correct to wonder if implementing the no contact rule will result in complications. The no contact rule is thus: If you do not contact him, would he lose interest in you? While in a relationship, the no contact rule is applied after a breakup or when you take a break from your boyfriend.

RESPONDING: Will Ineffective contact Lead to a Break Up?

Therefore, having no contact does more to prevent your ex from moving on than to assist him in doing so. What will truly compel your ex to go on is following and phoning them. Then, when you do this, they will be on the run. full isolation will be difficult to maintain


The answer is a firm and unequivocal "yes." In the same manner as he did when he was in a relationship with you, your ex is missing you. on a daily basis You should go no contact to get away from the relationship, as that will help you to heal and get ahead. While it is obvious to you, you should understand why. As far as I can tell, does he appear to miss me throughout the stretch of period with no contact?


Is it possible that this absence of contact will make him move on? It is probable that the guy has moved on if he is missing from your life for several weeks or months. He may leave once you stop pursuing him during the period of no contact. The no contact rule compels him to actively seek you out and confront you if he really care about you.

For more on moving on, see: "Will No Contact Rule Make Him Move On?"

Though in their hearts, men are obstinate animals, and they will maintain hope that you will contact them during the no contact period, they will have also given up hope when they know that you would not respond. The fact that they begin with the assumption that you will initiate contact, and then seem disappointed when you don't, only to hope that you will engage with them instead, is an interesting dynamic.

If you got dumped: Will the No Contact Rule Work?


A lot of women are worried that he would leave them if they are left alone. While you are out of the house, your boyfriend's outlook on the relationship will improve because you are demonstrating the following attributes.

A RELATED (albeit rather subtle) THOUGHT: How Long Should No Contact Last?


When under a no contact rule, you should expect your ex-partner to go through these five phases.

Their cool demeanor and confidence give them the strength to make the best option (3 Days To A Week)

When you do not hear from them, it means you should be concerned (Week To 2 Weeks)

When they discover they are being neglected, they become furious (2 Weeks To 2.5 Weeks)

recognition of the loss they face (2.5 Weeks to 3 Weeks)

It is associated because it says how long an ex will be missing you, with no contact.


If you do not stop texting him, he will miss you. Missing a man can be likened to the feeling you get when you accidentally stop texting someone and he starts to realize that you have not been in touch as much as you used to be. There are many men who have a lot of bravery and fortitude in order to start putting aside their egos and voicing their desire for a lady they find attractive.


He will be split between two feelings when you come up in his mind. While the no contact rule is likely implying that he is not permitted to speak directly to you, he could be allowed to write letters or send gifts. On a deeper level, he does want to connect with you. Many men are using social media as a place to post songs and inspiring messages at the time of need.

During the No Contact Rule, the male mind behaves differently

Many men miss you when you are silent, and this is particularly the case if they have invested time into courting you or if you had pursued them. Silence is particularly effective because of the fear of life, which causes men to re-evaluate their man.

In related news, does avoiding contact work if my ex is dating someone else?


When it comes to acquiring what they want, people who are stubborn are also stuck in their ways. No contact is established to convey to your ex that they do not want to live without you, to remain cut off from you, and to have you removed from their lives. With the exception of incorrigible persons, no physical contact is designed to convey to even the most steadfast individuals what they desire and what they are most frightened of losing. Does the No Contact Rule work against someone who is reluctant to part ways?

Relationship question: Will the No Contact Rule force him to go on?