
Learn & Grow

Get social

Thanks to the Digital Citizenship course, I created a Twitter account and I follow @ONEforTraining, @Brocansky, @Lenewp, #CCCDigCiz, and #humanizeol tweets among others. I'm not a Twitter pro yet, but I continue to learn. This and other channels such as the OEI website provide avenues for me to keep in touch with colleagues and to learn new approaches to online teaching. I've also met several colleagues through my @ONE courses with whom I continue to share this journey.

Tweet from Online Network of Educators

Keep learning and sharing

  • In August 2018, I completed my next @ONE course, Assessment in Digital Learning. At the same time, I completed the Online Teaching Principles Capstone, a milestone on my journey to becoming an even better teacher.

  • I have also joined my college's OEI Online Equity cohort for 2018. I look forward to helping to reduce if not eliminate the gaps that impede my students' success and in learning how to improve the practice of equity in my courses.

  • I'm also a member of my college's Faculty Learning Community, where I learn how to improve student success and then share what I learn with my colleagues. My participation in this group has improved my knowledge of how we learn and how to foster learning, knowledge which I use to improve online learning.

Lastly, but most importantly, I continue to learn from my students,

who challenge and inspire me to be the best teacher I can be.

Drawing of a group of students.