Call for Papers

UPDATE: We have added a position paper category.

ExaMPI21 - Workshop on Exascale MPI 2021

Sunday, November 14h, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM US Central Time

St. Louis, MO

Held in conjunction with SC21: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis


One of the most disruptive advancements in interconnect technology is the emergence of programable smart networks. The MPI standard and its implementations have long been able to utilize dedicated hardware offload but the addition programmability opens the possibility of new ways to leverage network hardware for both MPI implementations and MPI applications. The aim of this workshop is to bring together developers and researchers to present and discuss innovative algorithms, protocols, operations, and concepts in Message Passing programming models, in particular related to leverage and exposing programable smart network technology in MPI.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

· Design and development of scalable Message Passing collective operations.

· Communication and architecture topology mapping interfaces and algorithms.

· Innovative algorithms for scheduling/routing to avoid network congestion.

· Integrated use of structured data layout descriptors.

· One-sided communication models and RDMA-based MPI.

· Support for heterogenous compute devices and heterogeneous memory systems.

· MPI multi-threading and threading requirements from OSes.

· Interoperability of Message Passing and PGAS models.

· Integration of task-parallel models into Message Passing models.

· Fault tolerance in MPI.

· MPI I/O.

Paper submission and publication


There are three submission categories:

· Regular research paper: submission of full paper. Regular paper submissions are limited to 10 single-space pages (including figures, tables and references) using a 10-point on 8.5x11-inch pages (US Letter).
· Position paper: submission of a position paper paper. Paper submissions are limited to 8 single-space pages (including figures, tables and references) using a 10-point on 8.5x11-inch pages (US Letter).

· Hot topic abstract: submission of an extended abstract. These submissions target work-in-progress research on potentially controversial topics in Message-Passing. Hot topic extended abstracts are limited to 3 single-space pages.

Templates can be found here:

Submissions can be made at:

Instructions for preparing regular papers for the proceedings will be emailed to authors of accepted papers.