Early Warning Signals

in Complex Systems

A satellite symposium during the online Conference on Complex Systems 2020 (CCS2020)

December 9, 2020

The behavior of many real world complex systems are found to undergo sudden changes, without any warning. It is extremely relevant and important to predict such changes both to develop mitigation strategies, and to get insights into the dynamical properties of the system. Such critical transitions are often associated with qualitative changes in the dynamics of the system and exhibit features like critical slowing down, with universal features shared across systems. Crashing of financial markets, depression episodes, unprecedented stellar dimming, or abrupt shifts in an ecosystem etc. are all examples of transitions. The relevant quantifiers that can give insights into these transitions are commonly referred to as Early Warning Signals (EWS). The study and development of EWS present challenges on different fronts, and need to be addressed in multidisciplinary ways with both data analysis and dynamical systems theory.

This satellite event aims to bring together researchers and experts across different fields to facilitate a productive dialogue for invention and improvement of EWS with practical utility, as well as for a deeper understanding of their universal features.

Topics include (but not limited to)

  • Quantifiers and measures for EWS

  • Data-driven measures for EWS

  • EWS in climate systems

  • Transition to depressive mental state

  • Indicators and EWS in stock market data and finance

  • Prediction times in EWS

  • False positives, false negatives and problems of detection

Call for contributions is now closed!


The satellite session aims to ignite conversations on the various aspects of Early Warning Signals and the different ways they are applied across fields. The call for contributions is now closed, but we welcome anyone interested in Complex Systems for active participation in the conversations. Please note that registration is mandatory for all participants. You can register either for the full conference (access to all sessions), or only for this satellite session. The details can be found on the CCS2020 website:

For any developments or changes, keep watching this space!


Please write to ews.ccs2020@gmail.com for details or queries.

IISER Tirupati, India

UMCG, Netherlands

IISER Tirupati, India