

Background and Impact

Coconut is a major crop in many parts of the world, and dehusking the coconut is an important step in preparing it for use. Dehusking refers to the process of removing the husk from a coconut. Dehusking by hand is a time-consuming and challenging operation. A new design of the dehusking machine is introduced and constructed to address these limits, improve automation, and provide operator safety.




Learning at its best


It has become an accepted quasi-fact, that today's educational system places a greater emphasis on theoretical information imposed on young students and teaches formulae rather than fundamental concepts. There are far too many exams, causing students to become jacks of all trades and masters of none. There isn't much space for world-class research. The current chalk-and-talk method of instruction has a critical deficiency in functional literacy.

Students are limited in their exploration of topics beyond what is required by the syllabus due to the instructional methods. Many modern-day schools' main goals are to achieve the ideal 99th percentile academic performance through memorization and rote learning.

The primary GOAL or IDEA of founding a school collapses at this point.


1. Providing the schools with Audio visual equipment

2. Making a single source point for some of the best - free - online learning resources

3. Starting an E-learning center along with audio visual equipment provided in their classrooms could cause students to explore vast resources and could visit many educational websites and get information about the subject that they need.