Call for Papers

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 9 February 2023 16 February 2023 (11:59 pm AoE)

Acceptance notifications: 30 March 2023 6 April 2023

European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness: 7-9 June 2023

Submission website: EasyChair

Deadline extension

We got several requests to extend the submission deadline as many of you have been working hard on your FAccT submissions in the past few weeks. We therefore decided to extend our deadline by one week! The new deadline for EWAF’23 is February 16, 11.59 pm AoE.

Since we got some questions about the types of papers we’re looking for, we would like to highlight that we are open to both submissions of European specificity and theoretical work.

We would also like to highlight that we want to build a community, so we want to encourage everyone to participate actively in the discussion. One way to do this is to submit an extended abstract (this can be work that is under review or recently published work). So if you are planning to join us in Switzerland in June, we strongly encourage you to also make a submission.

Finally, it would be great if you could pre-register your planned submission by the original deadline (Feb 9, 11.59 AoE). This is not a strict requirement but it is strongly encouraged as it would help us get a better idea of how many reviewers we'll need.

EWAF’s goal is to foster the dialogue between researchers working on algorithmic fairness in the context of Europe’s legal and societal framework, especially in light of the EU’s attempts to promote ethical AI. It is thus a space for researchers to discuss fairness in machine learning with an interdisciplinary perspective related to Europe.

This year, we aim to bring the issue of European specificity to the fore and to discuss questions such as “what, if anything, is specifically European in the debate about fairness in machine learning?”. For this reason, we especially welcome submissions involving:

We also welcome submissions lacking European specificity, especially if they are of outstanding quality. General areas of interest are:

Submissions including European specificity will be prioritized, other things being equal.

We are taking an interdisciplinary approach. This means that we are interested in work from a variety of fields including but not limited to mathematical, philosophical, computer science, legal, psychological, sociological, critical studies, and management perspectives.

The authors of high-quality submissions on recommender systems may be invited to submit an extended version to the Special Issue on Trustworthy Recommender Systems.

Submission format

We have two types of submissions: short and long submissions. Which type you choose will depend on what you’re hoping to get out of the conference. At least one author of each accepted submission is expected to be at EWAF’23 to present their work.

Long submission

When to choose this: If you want to get peer reviews for your paper and have the chance to have it published in the workshop proceedings. 

Length: A full paper of 10-15 pages (plus unlimited pages for references). Papers that do not follow the length requirements may be rejected without review.

Archival submission: Accepted papers shall be submitted to for online publication of the workshop proceedings.

Dual submission policy: It is not permissible to submit work that is under review or has been accepted for publication at another venue. It is also not permissible to submit already published work.

What you get: Formal peer reviews for your paper, a chance to present if accepted and a citable full paper in the conference proceedings. 

Reviewing expectation: We expect authors to be available to review other submissions in their area (light load).

Short submission

When to choose this: If you want to present new results at an early stage or if you want to get feedback from the interdisciplinary audience at the workshop about papers that are already published or under review.

Length: An extended abstract of 1-2 pages (plus unlimited pages for references)

Non-archival submission: The extended abstracts shall be submitted to for online publication in the workshop proceedings. It is thus possible to publish the full paper elsewhere.

Dual submission policy: It is permissible to submit work that is under review or has been accepted for publication at another venue, provided that this is in line with their submission policy. It is also permissible to submit already published work.

What you get: Succint peer reviews for your paper, a chance to present and get informal feedback if accepted.

Reviewing expectation: We expect authors to be available to review other submissions in their area (light load).


Like EWAF’22, EWAF’23 will have two tracks: the in-depth track and the lightning round track. The in-depth track is intended for longer presentations while the lightning round will consist of shorter presentations. The goal of the lightning round is to get a sense of the work happening in our community and build new connections within the community based on that.

Both short and long submissions will be considered for both the in-depth track and the lightning round track on the basis of fulfilling the overall goals of the conference. In this respect, the quality of the paper is certainly a factor, but selection for the in-depth track results from a plurality of considerations, including achieving a balance between the representation of different views and different disciplinary perspectives.


Proceedings shall be submitted to for online publication. Please use EWAF’s version of the template for both long and short submissions. The zip file with the templates contains both a Word and LaTeX template; you can choose either one. Alternatively, you can also use EWAF's Overleaf template - just create a copy of the project by clicking on 'copy project' in the menu when you're logged in and start editing it. Whatever template you choose, please make sure to use the 1-column format. For the initial submission, you only need the PDF formatted according to the template.


Our peer review process is mutually anonymous, meaning the reviewers do not know the names of the authors and the authors will not know the names of the reviewers. Therefore, we ask you to make sure to anonymize your submission. Non-anonymized papers may be rejected without review. This means the submitted PDF should not contain the authors’ names. References to your own papers should be cited in a way that does not reveal or imply that they were written by you.

Reviewing process

We are looking for papers of high quality that have the potential to impact the discourse on algorithmic fairness, both within Europe and globally. Moreover, we are particularly excited by papers that discuss questions of European specificity. These are thus the criteria papers will be judged on.

We will have reviewers from different fields that bring the expertise to evaluate the work from all the fields we solicit work from.


The workshop is organized by researchers from different disciplines (computer science, philosophy, law, sociology) and at different levels of academic careers.

For questions, contact