Ewa Hongwanji Mission

Temple Address:  91-1133 Renton Road, Ewa Town

     Mailing Address:

          Ewa Hongwanji Mission

          P.O. Box 60549

          Ewa Beach, HI 96706


          (808) 681-5222



June    14 (Fri)   9:00am-12:00pm  Bon Dance preparations

15 (Sat)   9:00am-12:00pm  Bon Dance preparations

                  4:00pm Food Preparations

  5:00pm Obon Service

          5:00pm Pre-order pickup starts

  5:15pm Food Booth and Bake Sale opens

  6:30pm-9:30pm Bon Dance

  9:30pm Clean-up


**Wednesdays   9:00am-12:00pm Yard/Temple maintenance

"Cane Tassels, Work Whistles and Labor Day Carnivals" available on Wednesdays




Bento, Noodles, & Windcatcher Pre-order Form

 - click here to pre-order your Bento ($10), Noodles ($7), and Windcatchers ($10):  

(Orders will be taken until 9:00pm Sunday June 9th.)

Public sales will begin at 5:15pm.  

Andagi and Bake Sale will begin at 5:15pm.

Windcatchers will be hung around the yagura on June 15.

Questions?:  email ewahm1901@gmail.com or call 808-681-5222


Reverend David's Thoughts

It's Obon time once again. I was thinking about what it means to "celebrate" Obon. We remember those who have gone before us and celebrate their lives, as they are a reflection of who we are, what we are, and where we come from. "Who are you?" It's a question that we often don't think of nor contemplate. It is when we are able to answer that question, that we live a life of appreciation. We should also be confident in being able to share our answers. Then we start to see that we are not alone in this world, and we have so much in common. That commonality is the seed to peace and tranquility. 

So as we celebrate Obon, don't forget to look up into the night sky. As countless as the stars in the sky are, so are the teachings of our ancestors and the many lives that come into our lives. Let us take the time to contemplate that and appreciate the lives we have because of others.

President's Message

Aloha. The preparation of our Bon Dance is going "full speed ahead". Thank you to the members and volunteers who are already helping. Our church grounds has become a nature's habitat. There are feral chickens roaming around and enters our temple if left unattended. We find eggs around the grounds. A lady comes to feed the stray cats by the front gate area. And lastly a pack of dogs, three or four, roam the grounds. And we assume they are killing some kittens. Mother nature is happening right in our church's yard. How much of a disturbance will the animals be at our Bon Dance? Us Humans have interfered again. Have a good day everyday, everybody.

In Gassho,

Craig T. Tsutsumi



  Weekly temple maintenance is held every Wednesday, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

              We cut grass, pull weeds, dust the altar and pews, clean the kitchen and 

              restrooms, etc., etc. Everyone is welcome - come and get some exercise!


2024 Hongwanji Slogan  ~ Building Healthy Sanghas: Sharing Nembutsu Moments


Ewa Hongwanji Mission was organized in 1901 as an affiliate temple of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii to propagate the doctrine of the Jodo Shin denomination of Buddhism, and has continued to provide religious programs and activities to the Ewa and surrounding communities throughout its 120-year history.

Our Temple:

Ewa Hongwanji is situated in Ewa Town on Renton Road, just down the street from the old Sugar Mill and the newer Ewa Mahiko Park (see map below).

We currently have monthly services on the fourth Sunday of each month at 11:00 a.m., observing current COVID-19 protocols.

Every third Saturday in June is our annual Bon Dance* when we honor our ancestors with an evening of joyful dancing.

Ewa Hongwanji kicks off the temple Bon Dances every year and is well attended with great food, fellowship, and dancing.  

*Because of the Pandemic, we were unable to have our traditional Bon Dance the past two years.  

 We hope we'll be able to dance around the yagura next year!

Oversee Minister:

   Reverend David Fujimoto

   Moiliili Hongwanji Mission
