Ewa Hongwanji Mission

Temple Address:  91-1133 Renton Road, Ewa Town

     Mailing Address:

          Ewa Hongwanji Mission

          P.O. Box 60549

          Ewa Beach, HI 96706


          (808) 681-5222



Feb   7 (Fri) - 8 (Sat)   113th HHMH Legislative Assembly (Giseikai)

19 (Wed)   9:00 am   Before service cleanup

23 (Sun) 11:00 am   Ho’onko Service

**Wednesdays   9:00am-12:00pm Yard/Temple maintenance

"Cane Tassels, Work Whistles and Labor Day Carnivals" available on Wednesdays


Reverend David's Thoughts

With the elections finally over, have you ever contemplated on HOW you make your decisions? I am not only talking about the candidates you voted for, but also in everyday life. The “Golden Chain of Love” reminds us that our actions should be done with pure and beautiful thoughts and through pure and beautiful deeds because those actions result in not only my happiness but also that of others. Many times, we make decisions in haste and without knowing the consequences and many times we don’t consider others. Are our actions a result of our greed, anger and foolishness, or is it done in a selfless manner? In this manner, I believe that your decision making should be done in the same manner, as our actions could not only lead others to suffer, but also lead to our suffering. Let us together live with the Nembutsu as our guide and help us to make decisions that will ensure everyone’s happiness, not only ours.

President's Message

Happy Holidays! Another year is coming to an end. And this writer is feeling older. I recently got "hooked" on a TV series, Yellowstone. It is about a Montana rancher who is a big landowner trying to protect the state from developers. It reminded when we had "The Big Five", and sugar and pineapple were our resources. Now they don't exist. Agriculture is diminishing. And development is taking over along with the revival of tourism, again.  Is our religion changing? Are we keeping up with the times? I'm not qualified enough to answer those questions. But I'll use the word "HOPE" for a better tomorrow? Have a good everyday, everybody.

In Gassho

Craig T. Tsutsumi

2025 Pledge & Maintenance Update

Pledges for 2025 will remain at $150.  If you have not already done so, please send in your pledge to Ewa Hongwanji Mission, P. O. Box 60549, Ewa Beach HI 96706. Thank you.

We recently replaced some ceiling tiles in the temple that were damaged, replaced a major leak in our main water line, and replaced damaged beams on our yagura and repainted it. Ongoing maintenance includes sealing the roof, repainting the inside of the temple and social hall, and hopefully replacing damaged wood around the building.

Please come out on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 am to help keep up the temple grounds.



  Weekly temple maintenance is held every Wednesday, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

              We cut grass, pull weeds, dust the altar and pews, clean the kitchen and 

              restrooms, etc., etc. Everyone is welcome - come and get some exercise!


2025 Hongwanji Slogan  ~ Nurturing Nembutsu: Cultivating Awareness


Ewa Hongwanji Mission was organized in 1901 as an affiliate temple of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii to propagate the doctrine of the Jodo Shin denomination of Buddhism, and has continued to provide religious programs and activities to the Ewa and surrounding communities throughout its 120-year history.

Our Temple:

Ewa Hongwanji is situated in Ewa Town on Renton Road, just down the street from the old Sugar Mill and the newer Ewa Mahiko Park (see map below).

We currently have monthly services on the fourth Sunday of each month at 11:00 a.m., observing current COVID-19 protocols.

Every third Saturday in June is our annual Bon Dance* when we honor our ancestors with an evening of joyful dancing.

Ewa Hongwanji kicks off the temple Bon Dances every year and is well attended with great food, fellowship, and dancing.  

*Because of the Pandemic, we were unable to have our traditional Bon Dance the past two years.  

 We hope we'll be able to dance around the yagura next year!

Oversee Minister:

   Reverend David Fujimoto

   Moiliili Hongwanji Mission

   (808) 348-9458