
American Legion Baseball - Form 2: click here

Arm Care

It is essential that we take care of our body! Baseball puts a lot of stress and strain on our throwing arms. We must get better at taking caring of our arms before, during, and after a practice and game. Here are a few articles, stretches, and exercises that should be done on a consistent basis in order to minimize arm soreness. This does not just pertain to pitchers, but for ALL!

Intro to Arm Care - ebook with great exercises using bands, balls, and weighted balls. Has videos to show you exactly what to do!

Thrower's Ten - 10 different exercises/stretches that utilizes resistance bands and weights.

Arm Care for Baseball Pitchers - from a youth baseball site but relates to all levels. Written by a former pro pitcher. Includes pictures and charts of exercises.

Most of these exercises involves resistance bands. If you don't have any, ask Coach Wyp to borrow one for a few days.