Colors Affect Moods

Create Colorful Enviornments!

Colors can affect and change our moods. We associate all colors with certain feelings. Which is why it's important to create an environment that makes you feel comfortable and positive. 


On a survey done with 30 Clark students, 90% said having color/decorations have made a positive impact on their mood. 43% said they find it expensive to decorate their room. And almost 75% of students said they would want more decorations in their room. 

A survey about places on campus asking which areas do students prefer to be in. There were 490 students interviewed and 305 said they enjoy being at the "Break Point" which is a colorful interior design with interactive activities to do.  Only 18 said they enjoy the cafeteria which is mostly a large space but with white walls and not much color or decoration to give it character. A majority also said they get bored much easier while being in the cafeteria compared to other spaces. Check out the journals.sagepub to learn more about this survey.

The PPG is a company that paints and decorates schools and camps to create a more colorful environment!   Their work has improved students mood and made a positive impact on every school environment they've painted. 

My Solution

I want to help students by creating a more lively and decorated dorm room through posters. Posters can be expensive which is why I want to sell mine for a cheaper price compared to the standard. I'm first starting to create posters with popular musicians today to help build more character for your room. I will then start to create different types of designs to help add more variety for what I'm selling.  I also want to help students with other types of designs they may need such as logos, flyers, business cards, and more! 

My first year of college, I remember having the best conversations with my friends in environments that have color, decorations, and some character that allow us to be put in a positive mood and let's us open up our discussions more gain a better connection.