
The evolution of things

in Copenhagen 

The topic of the workshop is the science and technology of evolving and learning machines.

The long-term vision behind it is to have populations of machines “developing themselves” through evolution and learning in the real-world. The workshop will address (the feasibility of) the long term vision and potential applications, key technical challenges, as well as possible dangers. Technical issues to be discussed include 1) the joint evolution of morphology and control, 2) integration of evolution and lifetime learning, and 3) the physical incarnation of the evolving entities. Additionally, we want to pay special attention to societal aspects, including 1) potential benefits, 2) ethical concerns, and 3) co-existing natural and artificial life systems of the future. The “meta objective” of this workshop is to activate a research and development community and offer a platform for future collaboration worldwide. We expect new synergy emerging from the interaction of the targeted communities. 

Submissions should be 2-3 pages long and use the conference template.

Submissions are welcome as long as the submitted content is relevant to the topic of the workshop (the work can be new or already published).

Submission procedure: Send the PDF to k.dasilvamirasdearaujo at with the title The Evolution of Things Submission.

The accepted contributions will be made available on this website. 

For more info about ALife 24:

Important dates


Invited speakers

Prof. Dr. Kostas Alexis

           Norwegian University of                     Science  and Technology


Prof. Dr. Kyrre Glette

                University of Oslo


Dr. Nick Cheney

             University of Vermont


Dr. Leni Le Goff

         Edinburgh Napier University



   Prof. Dr. A. E. Eiben

a.e.eiben at

       Dr. Karine Miras

k.dasilvamirasdearaujo at