Evolution  Explorer Scout Unit

North West London - Barnet Borough Scout District

Next Meeting

Wednesday 5th March 2025

7:30 pm - 9:15 pm

Frith Grange Campsite. NW7 1PT  

uniform meeting

DofE Expedition and training information - please go to the DofE Award page

Young Leader and Duke of Edinburgh Award training
It has been great to see so many Explorers joining our Young Leader training on the 2nd Wednesday of every month
and Duke of Edinburgh's Award expedition training on the 4th Wednesday of every month.
You do not need to be a young leader or planning to do your DofE expedition with us to get something out of these training evenings.
However, reply to this email if you want to sign up to be a youth leader or do the Duke of Edinburgh's Award for the first time. 


Summer Camp - Wales - 2024

Southern 50  2024

Well done to the Evo Explorer team "Veronica's Victims"  who successfully completed the 50 km challenge hike.  

Summer Camp August 2023

An action packed week in Devon, a great time was has by all!

Photos (of the water activities) are saved here: https://adobe.ly/452Ouco

There are also loads on our Facebook page