The second choice is going to present to us next week will be to choose your outlet. Look, worry or trust Jesus in the sermon on the Mount is providing a corrective teaching, but it is not a corrective teaching designed to beat us up and to rebuke us and who convict us primarily. It is primarily to correct?

Yes. To restore us to life. As it ought to be. Jesus has continually presented in the sermon on the Mount life as God designed human life to be lived life, as it ought to be life as God designed human experience to be life that is lived with and through God, one of the most sub subtle substitutes to living with God as the center of your life is presented here in Matthew chapter six, verse 19 to 24.

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Do not lay up for yourselves, treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But lay up for yourselves, treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is there. Your heart will be also the eyes, the lamp of the body.

So if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness. How great is the darkness? No one can serve two masters for either. You will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.

So Lord instruct us this morning, beauty of having our lives defined when we value the true treasure, teach us what that means and change us by it. I pray in Jesus name. Amen. Three lessons. Jesus gives about valuing the right treasure in our lives. The first thing we notice is that what you value is what your heart loves.

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hit it again. And then in his joy went and sold all he had in bought that field. And again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of the great one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought.

Serving to the glory of Christ in that kingdom, he says, invest your life in those things. Either way. Heaven is used in Matthew five and six prior to this time, six times is the term father in heaven. He, somebody says your father in heaven reward you. Your father in heaven is watching your father in heaven is present.

He had always been involved in Naval defense companies, but he brought me in and. I knew my dad was, uh, had had a significant role there. My father was a wonderful follower of Christ by the way, he got saved, uh, well into his well, his early adulthood after he was married just about time, he had me, I think he was terrorized.

Um, and, but I was there and, and while security checks were happening, he had to come all the way down from the top floor and get me and bring me up. And while I was there, I was just sort of hanging over them side. And I noticed this, this wall plaque and this wall plaque was a, a description of the mucky monks of the company and particularly of, of the plant here in Morristown.

And this guy turned out to be a believer. And he goes on. He said, before I ever start a circuit board, I lay it down in front of me. And I talked to Jesus and I said, Lord, help me to do this in a way that honors you give me recall, give me ability, because I want to, I want to help this company succeed. But most of all, I wanna do everything I do here to the glory of Jesus Christ.

is found in verse 22 and 23. What your value is, is where you set your sights. First 22, the eyes, the lamp of the body. So if your eyes healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness. How great is the darkness?

Arthur Momand and his wife lived on long island in the early 20th century. They lived among fairly affluent neighbors. And as he described it, life for us was a constant truck struggle of trying to live far beyond our means in our endeavor to keep up with the well-to-do class. Eventually, Arthur.

You have all heard it. He talked about the McGinnis attempt to keep up with the Joneses. We all get it. We all live with the struggle of competitiveness. We can set our sights on keeping up with others, comparing ourselves. We can set our sights on our own financial goals and a life of ease and comfort.

It is true. This craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. The darkness I think is described here in phrases like this, they fall in temptations and snares, sinful, senseless, and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction through this craving.

People have wandered away from the faith and stabbed themselves with many pangs. Now that is more extreme darkness, but he says, this is what happens. If we are driven. If our eyes are fixated in the wrong place. Even though we know Christ, we named the name of Christ and our members of his kingdom. And he says many have wandered from the faith and stabbed themselves with many pangs.

So how do you keep your eyes from being focused on money and greed? I personally believe one of the gifts of tithing and giving regularly to the work of the Lord is that it helps curtail, okay. Our eyes being fixed and motivated by greed. You entrust yourself to the Lord by saying, Lord, you own it all.

That is an idolater. He says same thing. Galoshins three verse five greed, which is idolatry Colossians chapter three, verse five. It is. Placing that entity. It is personifying it as an idol in our lives and the striking thing he says, and nobody, no one gets a pass on this, that everyone is capable of having their loyalty be deflected from God, because no one is capable of having two ultimate loyalty.

Who or what comes first in your life? I want you to be honest with yourself while you think over the answer that you give to this question. I know that by you reading a sermon, your first instinct will be to say God, but I want you to be truthful with your answer. For many of us, the Lord is not the top priority in our life. When we come up with our goals or resolutions for the new year, God does not make our list, does He?

This is not to say that you are are worrying about what awaits you in 2019. However, there is something to this message that we must take and carry with us. Jesus tells His disciples not to worry about what you will eat or about the clothes to wear. These, the food and the clothes, were things of need.

For God, these are merely common things that He already knows we need. The fact that the Lord knows we need these things should already tell us everything that we need to know. Firstly, God is a provider so we know that He wants to and will provide these things to us. Secondly, it should keep us from feeling it necessary to worry about how we will go about getting the things that we need.

Let us understand this: we are in a relationship with a provider; the only thing we need to do is put Him first above everything. As you head into the new year, consider your relationship with the Lord. Let us continue to improve upon our relationship with the Lord. Let us also make sure that we are genuinely keeping Him first in our life.

Website of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and School, a confessional Lutheran church body and elementary school in the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area in Belmont, California. Gloria Dei is a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).

If anyone else thinks that he has grounds for confidence in the flesh, I have more: 5 circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; 6 in regard to zeal, persecuting the church; in regard to the righteousness that is in the law, blameless. 

7 But, whatever things were a profit for me, these things I have come to consider a loss because of Christ. 8 But even more than that, I consider everything to be a loss because of what is worth far more: knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord. For his sake, I have lost all things and consider them rubbish, so that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own, which comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness that comes from God by faith. 10 I do this so that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings, being conformed to his death, 11 in the hope that in some way I may arrive at the resurrection from the dead. 

One of the biggest shifts in moving to Northern California from South Dakota had to be the one we manage our trash. Here, we had to learn what went in garbage, what went in compost, and what went in recycling, something we never had to think about South Dakota. In fact, in South Dakota, if you wanted to recycle something, in our very rural area, you gathered up all of your cardboard, paper, glass, and metal, and you drove for about 20 minutes to the town that had a big semitrailer parked along the main drag. If the semi was open, you could dump your recyclables off there. One memorable time we made that trip on the way to somewhere else, and the trailer was locked or gone. Regardless, we had to make the rest of our two-hour trip with a very new Alex in his infant car seat surrounded by what was essentially garbage in the car before we got to a place that could deal with it. It was a ridiculous mix of literal trash and dear treasure.

Is that job that robs me of the ability to join my fellow Christians in worship or often forces me to make decisions that are in conflict with my faith or at least surround me with an influence that always runs counter to my faith, is that job worth staying at? No. 152ee80cbc

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