Work Experience

I started my career in the software industry in both the services and the product sectors. Currently I'm a post doctoral research fellow at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay in the Biosciences and Bioengineering department.

What I learnt from my industry experience is that one can never afford to stop learning and that every technology or programming language, old or new is worth exploring. I have also come to realize that teamwork and direction are more important than individual achievements.

I believe that the experience at work helped me in my research in discerning between the important and the unimportant as much as it sharpened my programming acumen.

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (May 2018 - )

Institute Post Doctoral Fellow - My current research interests are in the area of mathematical modeling of inheritance of epigenetic information as well as computational studies of gene regulation. Some of the tools we employ to study the biological data are from Information theory and Statistics.

Previous Software Experience

Here is the list of projects I have been associated with prior to my academic career

Cognizant - (June 2004 - Jan 2007)

      • At the start of my software career, I was working for Telecom clients (Covad and Orange). I learnt the basics of Java SE and EE programming , web, EJB and the web services technologies, database technologies, Unix operating system fundamentals and scripting. I also completed the Sun Certified Java Developer (SCJP 1.4) during this period.

Sun Microsystems India (later acquired by Oracle India) - (Jan 2007 to Aug 31, 2011)

      • I started working for the Sun Portal product and then moved to the Glassfish open source project. I was an active contributor to the open source projects in the Glassfish umbrella. My team was responsible for handling the security enhancements and bug fixes in the Glassfish releases.

      • I was a joint speaker on Glassfish Security at the JavaOne technical conference held at San Francisco in 2010.

      • I was a participant of the prestigious SEED (Sun Engineering Enrichment and Development) program. Developed a pet project during this period with my SEED mentor (Kohsuke Kawaguchi):

        • Segmentation resistant CAPTCHA - CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test for telling Computers and Humans Apart) is an online security mechanism to handle fraudulent registrations. We developed a segmentation-resistant warped Captcha that is hard to break as part of this program. This was also selected as an alternate session for JavaOne 2010.

Oracle India - (Sep 1, 2011 - May 2018)

      • I moved to Oracle as part of the Sun acquisition. I continued to work on the Glassfish projects and later moved to Oracle in house security products like OPSS and OWSM.

      • I also worked with the Weblogic application server product group where I implemented the Java EE technologies in the server. I was the joint recipient of the CAFE award (Cloud Application Foundation Excellence) for our work in Weblogic Security) during this period.

      • I worked briefly on a Microservices platform and then moved to the Fusion Apps division of Oracle. I worked on ADF technologies briefly and moved to the Release engineering group for FA.

      • I also worked on Oracle Tooling, where my responsibilities included tooling and code propagation, scripting (Python) ,provisioning for various environments and continuous integration (Jenkins)