Everything in Between is a project about diverse first-time parental and pregnancy experiences.

The majority of currently available books on pregnancy and first-time parenthood tend to focus on the stories of white middle-class mothers, while the experiences of all other types of first-time parents can get missed.

We know that people's diverse life experiences can encompass different joys and struggles so we would like to gather a rich range of first-time parenthood experiences, from conception to birth in order to create a graphic novel to make the narratives easily accessible and a source of support for other first-time parents-to-be.


We’d like to speak to a wide range of parents with young children.

We are especially interested in speaking with: first-time fathers, same-sex couples, people using surrogates, single mothers, parents with disabilities, couples using IVF, adoptive parents, non middle-class parents, Black, Asian and mixed heritage parents, teenage parents and mothers over forty.


We'd talk with you at a location of your choice for around an hour. We would ask you about your experiences of your own or your partner's or your surrogate's pregnancy and if applicable, the birth and your first few weeks as a parent.


If you’d like to take part, please complete our short survey. It should take no longer than ten minutes.

All of your personal information will be stored safely and kept confidential according to GDPR guidelines and the British Psychological Society's Code of Ethics which we follow.

A note on working together

As this is a small project it might mean that we can't speak with everyone who completes the survey. If we can't speak with you, we will still be in touch to explain why and afterwards we will immediately delete the data we initially collected about you.


If you know a parent who might be interested in taking part, feel free to share our website: http://bit.ly/EiBproject and like us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Thank you!