September 2020 Budget Update


Well kids and coaches, it isn't all sunshine 🌞 and rainbows 🌈. This month was a rough one in terms of meeting my goals! I only cash flowed about $500 and my savings rate was a measly 10%! Let's see why below.



On the income side, I did a dog sitting and managed to pull in an additional $50, but otherwise nothing strange or out of the ordinary here


I'll analyze my way from top to bottom.

  • Auto β†’ Car Fees/Misc The large increase here is because I rented a U-Haul to finish moving into my house! I didn't really know what to put this expense, this category seemed as good as any

  • Discretionary β†’ Fees & Charges These fees are mainly the ones associated with my 401k account and the origination of my 401k loan

  • Education β†’ Tuition Not much to say here, I paid for school! I'm going to be interested to see the total net amount spent on school since my company reimburses me. If I get an A, I should only be paying about $500 per semester

  • Home β†’ Rent and Mortgage This is the last month that I "double dipped" and finished paying rent to my old place

  • Home β†’ Utilities I'm still confused about this, the wastewater charges you a "guess" on how much water you use. Their "guess" is 11,000 gallons! I asked a few families who live in my area and they said they were lucky if they exceeded 6,000 gallons of usage as an entire family! I am a single person. I will be following up on this

Monthly Snapshot