World War I

World History Grade 11

In addition to using the Gale Databases, Encyclopedia Britannica and Print Resources see the linked websites below.

Remember........When you use sources from the WEB for research apply the C.A.R.P. test to make sure they are reliable and credible sources of information.

Ask yourself these questions about the website........

Is the website Current? Who is the Author or Authority? Is the information Relevant & Reliable?

What is the Purpose & Point of View?

Begin your research with an encyclopedia. It's the easiest way to get acquainted with the broad outlines of your topic.

A database is an organized collection of information. Library databases include thousands of magazine articles, newspapers and scholarly journals and links to credible websites. Library databases provide credible sources of information and are organized by subject.

Library databases should be the first stop for any academic research assignment whether you are searching for background or biographical information, a basic overview or in-depth research coverage.

Citation & Bibliography Resources

Use the citation generator below to help you cite your sources

Why should I cite sources?

Giving credit to the original author by citing sources is the only way to use other people's work without plagiarizing. But there are a number of other reasons to cite sources:

  • citations are extremely helpful to anyone who wants to find out more about your ideas and where they came from
  • not all sources are good or right -- your own ideas may often be more accurate or interesting than those of your sources. Proper citation will keep you from taking the rap for someone else's bad ideas
  • citing sources shows the amount of research you've done
  • citing sources strengthens your work by lending outside support to your idea