Here is the question: do I really need this? I'm a front-end developer (usually just HTML/CSS/JavaScript) and I NEVER had a problem like "Wow, my files from yesterday!".I've tried to use it, installed Subversion and TortoiseSVN, I understand the concept behind version control but... I can't use it (weird for me).

For solo work, Subversion or Git is recommended. Anyone is free to prefer one or the other, but either is clearly better than not using any version control. Good books are "Pragmatic Version Control using Subversion, 2nd Edition" by Mike Mason or "Pragmatic Version Control Using Git" by Travis Swicegood.

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At build time, you tag the source control with 'Build 4.26'. The next day you start coding Build 4.27. Three months later, when a client says, "I'm using Build 4.26, and there's a bug in the Frickershaw feature. I can't upgrade to any other build because of some changes to file formats you made in build 4.27. Is there anything you can do for me? I'm willing to pay."

I think the main advantage in moving from a "keep-all-versions file system" to a source code control system lies in the fact that the sccs adds structure to all those versions you kept of all those files, and provides you with records of "what was the consistent state of the whole file system at point X".

Since you usually work alone, I would say that it is a good idea to use version control. One of the main benefits I have found in using version control (Subversion in my case), is that when working alone it gives me more confidence in trying a new approach to the problem. You can always branch to a new method or framework of solving the problem and see if you like it better. If it turns out that this branch doesn't work, you can just abandon it and go back to the old method. This also makes it easier to try out the different solutions side by side.

If you are working on your own, and are performing backups on a regular basis, VC may not be needed (unless you count your backups as version history). As soon as you start working with another developer, you should get version control in place so that you don't start over-writing each other's work.

It's really odd. Ever since I started using version control, I've very occasionally had the need to look up old copies of my code and use them. I never needed to do this before...probably because the idea of doing didn't really stick. It's easy not to notice those times when you could have found version control helpful.

An example:I had a requirement. I built up a webpage, spent a day or so on the page, it's Section 508 compatibility (this was about 6-7 years ago), and uploaded to the website. Next the requirement was changed drastically. I spend another day working on the page (and Hayuge Excel files didn't convert into accessible HTML easily). About a week later, client switches asks that we go back to Version A. Source control would have done this in about 10 minutes. As it was, I had to blow another %$#^^&$# day on the task.

Yes, you need version control either for development purposes or simply for storing your documents. This way, you can go back in time if you're required to do so in order to revert changes or mistake made on a code or documents.

Once you start working on a team that references ever upgrading "components" from multiple callers/applications, version control will be an absolute must. In that environment, there is no way that you can keep up with all the permutations of possible change.

Unity Version Control is a scalable, engine-agnostic version control and source code management tool for game development studios of all sizes. Built with powerful Plastic SCM technology, Unity Version Control offers optimized workflows for artists and programmers and superior speed working with large files and binaries. See how our users have leveraged this technology to create without compromise.

.project and .classpath files yes. We do not however keep our IDE settings in version control. There are some plugins that do not do a good job of persisting settings and we found that some settings were not very portable from one dev machine to the next. So, we instead have a Wiki page that highlights the steps required for a developer to setup their IDE.

These are what I consider to be generated files, and as such I never place them under version control. They can be different from machine to machine and developer to developer, for instance when people have different Eclipse plugins installed.

On one hand, I think that everyone should be free to use the set of developemnt tools they are most productive with, as long as all source artifacts are stored in version control, and the build script (say ANT or Maven) ensures standards compliance by specifying exactly which JDK to use, which versions of which third party libraries to depend upon, running style checks (e.g. checkstyle) and running unit tests etc.

I worked on a project where everyone used exactly the same JDK, same version of Maven, the same version of Eclipse, the same set of Eclipse plugins and the same configuration files (e.g. Checkstyle profiles, code formatter rules etc.). All of these were kept in source control - .project, .classpath and everything in the .settings folder. It made life really easy during the initial phases of the project when people were continually tweaking the dependencies or the build process. It also helped immensely when adding new starters to the project.

On balance, I think that if there are not too many chances of a religious war, you should standardise on the basic set of develop tools and plugins and ensure version compliance in your build scripts (for example by explicitly specifying the Java version).I don't think that there is much benefit to storing the JDK and the Eclipse installation in source control. Everything else that is not a derived artifact - including your project files, configuration and plugin preferences (particularly code formatter and style rules) - should go into source control.

This is all opinion, I suppose - but best practices over the years indicate that files specific to a given IDE shouldn't be stored in source control, unless your entire organization is standardized on one IDE and you never have any intent on switching.

I've been looking for a way to control my department workflows (In the designer), I found some articles about Git but I'm just wondering is there a better way to do it. and if there is a recommended method provided by Alteryx

Version control systems are software that help track changes make in code over time. As a developer editscode, the version control system takes a snapshot of the files. It then saves that snapshot permanentlyso it can be recalled later if needed.

Without version control, developers are tempted to keep multiple copies of code on their computer. Thisis dangerous because it's easy to change or delete a file in the wrong copy of code, potentially losingwork. Version control systems solve this problem by managing all versions of the code, but presentingthe team with a single version at a time.

There are plenty of things that can take up time as a developer. Reproducing bugs, learning new tools,and adding new features or content are just a few examples. As the demands of users scale up, version controlhelps teams work together and ship on time.

Version control workflows prevent the chaos of everyone using their own development process with differentand incompatible tools. Version control systems provide process enforcement and permissions so everyonestays on the same page.

Every version has a description for what the changes in the version do, such as fix a bug or add afeature. These descriptions help the team follow changes in code by version instead of by individualfile changes. Code stored in versions can be viewed and restored from version control at any time asneeded. Versions make it easy to base new work off any version of code.

Version control synchronizes versions and makes sure that changes don't conflict with changes fromothers. The team relies on version control to help resolve and prevent conflicts, even when people makechanges at the same time.

Version control keeps a history of changes as the team saves new versions of code. Team members can reviewhistory to find out who, why, and when changes were made. History gives teams the confidence to experimentsince it's easy to roll back to a previous good version at any time. History lets anyone base work fromany version of code, such as to fix a bug in a previous release.

This maybe a bit late, however, I came across this searching for something else. Literally just having finished reading the MS Doc for BYO ADLS Gen2 for Dataflows I can say if they want version control they should set this up. The system takes snapshots of not only the data, but the Dataflow metadata with every refresh. Configuring dataflow storage to use Azure Data Lake Gen 2 - Power BI | Microsoft Docs

can I give them any specific reasons about version control being the wrong move. I mentioned extra complexity and data duplication and they are still arguing for it. So some good reasons not to do it is what I am after.

Thank you for recommendations! I'll have a look soon. I definitely need a strategy / process to manage and control between versions and even just to better understand what is in a particular version. I appreciate your time spent answering this question.

When working with images, I tend to start saving things as image_001.png and image_002.png for different versions of the same image. Being a programmer, I know that that isn't really a good way to do version control. I realize that there are some tools that I could use to do this such as git, but there is no simple way to view the history of a file using such a tool.

There's no indication from the e-mail that this option is only for paying members, but there's no indication that it isn't either. FWIW, I went with the paid option and have never looked back. Uses for DropBox are numerous - to include version control for my personal projects - and you'll be surprised how fast you run through 2GB... I'll stop the Ad now. :) 589ccfa754

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